General Shipping FAQs
Can I use a return address different from my shipping location?
Yes! In your STORES & ORDERS settings, you can update your store's Shipping Address to your return address and use the shipment origin postal code for the S...
What am I billed for in ShippingEasy?
When using ShippingEasy, you will find that you receive invoices from both ShippingEasy and your shipping providers, such as USPS, UPS, and FedEx. Here, we ...
How can I ship vape-related products?
USPS, FedEx, and UPS have all announced they no longer support shipping for electronic vaping devices and the related component parts to consumers.
These li...
How do I find Missing Mail?
Missing Mail is mail that does not arrive at its destination on time. If the mail has been undelivered for 7 days, your customers can begin their search wit...
Multiple-Package Shipments | FAQs
Click on the following topics below to find answers to frequently asked questions about multiple-package shipments in ShippingEasy:
Can I add multiple ...
What does the flag next to my shipment mean?
If you see a flag/exclamation point symbol that looks like this:
This means that ShippingEasy was unable to update your store with a shipped status and/or ...
What is considered to be a Regular Package for each carrier?
Each Carrier has their own rules and regulations regarding package sizes and weights.
If a package exceeds the dimensions or weight limits that the Carrier ...
Tracking Real-Time Shipment Statuses in ShippingEasy | FAQs
Ensuring your packages arrive safely and on time to your customer is essential to running your business. At ShippingEasy, we make sure you can keep track of...
Tracking Shipments | FAQs
Tracking your shipments is an important part of the shipping process.
ShippingEasy provides tracking capabilities within the app while each carrier we integ...
What do I need to know about shipment weight?
All USPS services have maximum weight restrictions. In addition, many service types use the package weight to calculate the postage weight. As such, it’s im...
What is Estimated Delivery Date?
The Estimated Delivery date is the carrier's best estimate of when a shipment will arrive at its destination. USPS delivery date estimates can also be calcu...
How do I know if my package has arrived or is late?
Making sure your packages arrive safely and on time is essential to running your business. At ShippingEasy, we make sure you can keep track of the status of...
Previous Selection | FAQs
ShippingEasy remembers the carrier, service, weight, and packaging type that you use for every order that you ship. As new orders - with the same list of pr...
What is the cheapest way to ship to Canada?
The cheapest way to ship to Canada is by using the United States Postal Service (USPS). Packages are shipped via USPS to Canada Post (Canada's postal servic...
Can I reroute a USPS package?
Yes, only if you have a USPS account. There is a fee for this service and the intercept cannot be guaranteed. This service must be requested directly on the...
Why can't I track a domestic shipment using USPS First Class - Large Envelope/Flat?
In ShippingEasy, you can select Carrier Packaging for USPS called Large Envelopes/Flat when shipping domestically and internationally with USPS from One Bal...
Drop Shipping - Mark as Shipped | FAQs
You may choose to mark an order as Shipped in ShippingEasy for a variety of reasons, including when orders are drop shipped or processed by a third party.