ShippingEasy needs your feedback!
Please help us determine the eCommerce marketplaces, platforms, and carriers to integrate with next.
We listen across all channels to ensure our development efforts are focused on the most important features and enhancements. Our Customer Success team distills what they hear on chat, email and phones daily. We also review your written ideas here – and evaluate how many other customers share your need/wish based on votes.
Thank you for taking the time to help us build a better app for you!
Feature Request FAQs:
How does voting work? Search through the Feature Partner Requests. If you find a integration you also need, "Like it!"
No one has requested the integration you want? If you do not see what you're looking for, head back to Feature Partner Requests and select the "Create a New Post" link from the right side.
Want to vote or submit an idea, but don't have a support log-in? Participation does not require a ShippingEasy account, but does require a support log-in. Use your Facebook, Twitter, or Google account to log-in or create a new account. Registration is free and easy.
Want to receive email updates when someone adds a comment to a request? Select the 'Follow' button, located on the upper right corner of the grey border.