Woocommerce Store not syncing - followed all steps...


Hi there. We recently moved our website from Shopify to WordPress and we're having issues syncing our store. I followed the instructions and everything seems to be in place. Are we missing something?

We would like to keep the Shopify site connected for now, so let me know if that's something that's conflicting. I notice on our Store settings page that the Shopify store shows that it's "connected." Do we have our wires mixed up?

Can you help us troubleshoot this?

What other info can we provide? I don't think this support account is linked to our actual shipping account, so how do we get support for that?

What else can we do to troubleshoot this since the documents I read don't seem to be helping. It's also possible that I missed something!

Thanks for your help,


Official Comment

Hello Jason - Thanks for reaching out to us. I'm sorry to hear of the trouble you've been having with your store syncing. Let me make sure that I've addressed each of your questions.

The Shopify and WooCommerce integrations are completely independent of each other. You can have both stores connected with ShippingEasy. The only conflict this might create is if you have the same orders syncing through each store, then you'll see duplicate orders in ShippingEasy. 

Of course, your aim to transition to WooCommerce, so once those orders are syncing, you can disconnect your Shopify store. Learn more about disconnecting a store.

Now to the matter of syncing your WooCommerce orders.

When integrating your WooCommerce store with ShippingEasy, there are multiple phases:

  1. Add store to ShippingEasy.
  2. Download the ShippingEasy plugin for WooCommerce.
  3. Provide your ShippingEasy credentials to the plugin.

We've also had several versions of the WooCommerce integration, so there's a chance that you're working from older instructions. Please review the steps in this guide to verify if you've followed the current process:

Once you've confirmed that the store is integrated - with all credentials correctly entered into WooCommerce - we can take a look at the other causes of orders not syncing. 

One thing to note is that the WooCommerce plugin will send orders to ShippingEasy. (So it works in reverse with the Shopify integration, in which orders are requested by ShippingEasy). Along those lines, only orders present after you've completed the WooCommerce integration will automatically sync with ShippingEasy. Fortunately, there are also means to manually send orders from WooCommerce to ShippingEasy.

There are a few common reasons why orders wouldn't sync:

  • Orders are in a status that you haven't approved to sync
  • Orders were placed before the integration was complete (as mentioned above, with more details below)
  • You're running an older version of the plugin (as of writing, latest version is v3.x)
  • You're using an older version of WordPress (the plugin works best with WordPress v3.9 or higher)
  • You're using an older version of WooCommerce (the plugin works best with WooCommerce v2.0 or higher)

We go into further detail in this guide, so if you have not investigated each option, please click here for more information:

If you've thoroughly vetted each of these possibilities, it's possible that something else in your WooCommerce configuration (as a result of another plugin) is preventing the orders from syncing.

One way to test if there is any communication between ShippingEasy and WooCommerce is to force an order through. This is also the same process you would use to sync an order placed before integrating:

  1. Edit the order in WooCommerce.
  2. From the Order Actions menu select Send to ShippingEasy.

  3. Click the Save Order button.

If this does not successfully send the order to ShippingEasy, after you've tried the options above, please follow the steps in these articles - and email the data to issues@shippingeasy.com:

I hope this helps! Please post your follow up questions in the comments below. Thanks!

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