SHIP TO address is not updating !!!


This has been a reoccurring issue this past month and it's annoying and frustrating as hell not to mention HIGHLY inconvenient for my clients when their packages are not shipped to the correct address.

I have several clients that needed to update their ship to address WELL BEFORE it's ever in the ship or waiting for payment sections of the ap. It is not updating in the shipping easy application and only recognized the initial address put into ship to. 

I know there is a way to manually change the address in the shipping easy app but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about orders not updating or syncing correctly to reflect the update information a client or I input on the bigcommerce admin side of things.


PLEASE ADVISE!!! Yet again another package was shipped to the wrong address when in bigcommerce the SHIP TO address clearly stats the correct one, and was inputted shortly after the order was placed a good month before shipping happend.  

Official Comment

Hello Xavi, thank you for posting to our community!

I'm very sorry to hear about your mis-shipped packages. We certainly want to provide all the help and tools available so everyone can avoid these types of incidents.

While it is possible for orders in ShippingEasy to receive status and recipient data updates from BigCommerce stores, it is unfortunately not possible for ShippingEasy to receive the same updates from a BigCommerce Canvas store.

If you would like your ShippingEasy account to receive status and recipient data updates in the future, we strongly recommend you consider integrating your BigCommerce store to ShippingEasy using the instructions in the link below:

How to: Integrate BigCommerce with ShippingEasy

Thank you and Happy Shipping.

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Hello Jacen I have did as you suggested and integrated with bigcommerce via api vs canvas one click... and it is STILL not showing the updated address after giving it time to update, and resynch. So please now what?

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It appears now that it has created a completely duplicate entry into my shipping easy orders, same order number, same order, one has old address, one has new address. There is no option to delete the old order ticket... only to ship or mark as shipped. 

Should it not have replaced/updated the information w/in the existing order vs. duplicating the order ticket?

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ps. it's not duplicated in my bigcommerce, it's only in the shipping easy orders section.


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Hello Xavi, thank you for the update.

Do you know if you had archived your previous BigCommerce Canvas store before integrating your BigCommerce store again?

If not, that is most likely why you received duplicate orders, as they would have been syncing to ShippingEasy from both stores simultaneously.

I see that your most recent order from today has not been duplicated, hopefully the problem has been resolved now that your BigCommerce Canvas store has been archived.

If you would like to delete the duplicate orders, you can clear them from the Orders page using the instructions in the link below:

How to: Delete an order

Thank you and Happy Shipping!

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Yes it was archived... and the one that day that you referred to did not duplicate because I HATE NOT UPDATED THE SHIP TO ADDRESS, it's only the ones that I update the SHIP TO address after the order is placed... so far.


Also now shipped orders via the app are not updating as shipped in bigcommerce like they once used to. :( No bueno!

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Hello Xavi, I'm sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your updated BigCommerce orders.

In order to troubleshoot this further with you, we will need to obtain additional details too sensitive for posting in our community. 

To avoid any security risks, could you contact our support directly at

Please be sure to provide your full name, your ShippingEasy account name, and mention your community post so we can quickly locate background information.

Thank you.

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This is really frustrating because email was the very first thing I tried and kept being told to come here this is where to post my issues to get help and now here you are telling me to email!? 

It's not updating anything that has been shipped through shipping easy anymore! I will email you guy now... AGAIN@! 

This back and forth is a huge waste of time for your clients when this could have been resolved the first time I freaking emailed. :(

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email sent!

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