Woocommerce Store Setup


I'm not sure where to find this information, and I have looked in many places. Do we need to have Woocommerce shipping plugins installed on our site in order to see these shipping methods as options on our shop or are we able to just create and add these accounts on Shipping Easy for those options to appear on our website. 


Any help would be appreciated!

Official Comment

Hello Erich, and thank you for posting to our community!

Our current WooCommerce integration option no longer requires a plugin, so you would only need to follow the steps in the link below to integrate your WooCommerce store with ShippingEasy.

How to: Integrate WooCommerce with ShippingEasy

Any shipping options you wish to display in your store will need to be setup in WooCommerce, as that information is not sent from ShippingEasy.

You may find the information in our WooCommerce guide below helpful as well, if you have additional questions.

How to use ShippingEasy with WooCommerce

Thank you and happy shipping!

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Thank you Jacen - 

So we will need to purchase all necessary woocommerce shipping plugins for shipping options to work in tandem with Shipping Easy?

I have gone through the steps to set everything up, but in your steps I am supposed to have an API key - is that no longer necessary? Are your help docs outdated in this aspect? If this is the case I would assume my store is already linked up :D

Please let me know! Thanks!

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As you can see in my attached screenshot, it shows my store is connected, but at the top it says that i still need to connect store and download orders. What does this mean and what are my next steps? I am sorry for the multiple questions, I have been unable to find this information on your support docs.

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Hello Erich,

If you check the WooCommerce integration link I posted above, you will see we no longer require API credentials.

If you have used our WooCommerce Legacy integration guide to connect your store, I would recommend archiving your store using the steps in the link below, and creating a new store in ShippingEasy using the steps in the integration link above.

How to: Disconnect a store from my account

If those steps do not help you move forward in your ShippingEasy account, can you contact our support directly att issues@shippingeasy.com.

Please be sure to provide your full name, your ShippingEasy account name, and the store you are having trouble with. One of our Customer Success Advisors will be able to verify your account and assist directly with your request.

Thank you.

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