I'm not sure where to find this information, and I have looked in many places. Do we need to have Woocommerce shipping plugins installed on our site in order to see these shipping methods as options on our shop or are we able to just create and add these accounts on Shipping Easy for those options to appear on our website.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hello Erich, and thank you for posting to our community!
Our current WooCommerce integration option no longer requires a plugin, so you would only need to follow the steps in the link below to integrate your WooCommerce store with ShippingEasy.
How to: Integrate WooCommerce with ShippingEasy
Any shipping options you wish to display in your store will need to be setup in WooCommerce, as that information is not sent from ShippingEasy.
You may find the information in our WooCommerce guide below helpful as well, if you have additional questions.
How to use ShippingEasy with WooCommerce
Thank you and happy shipping!