Packing Slip Redesign


We’ve heard the feedback loud and clear both on the phones and in our customer surveys; *it’s time to dust off the packing slips… *and we’re doing it THIS MONTH.

We thought the best way to make sure we get them right is to provide you with a design of what we were looking to move towards. Then, it’s up to you to comment, question and request any changes or additions!

Some particular questions we have:

  • Inclusions – are there details that we have missed? Or any included that you do not see the need for?
  • *Product Details *– Is the way the product information has been order correct? i.e. SKU, then Description, Qty etc. or would you like these to be ordered differently?
  • Layout – is there anything we can do to improve the layout of the information on the packing slip?
  • Logo – we have deliberately placed it in a space that will cater for both horizontal and vertical logo formats.
  • Custom messaging – We’ve moved the location of these to make sure your customers gift messaging and your own custom messaging can fit more text
  • *Custom display *– what components of the packing slip would you like to be able to configure to turn on/off? E.g. Shipping Method, Price etc.

All feedback is welcome so please comment below!



I would like an option to not show the price/ship cost. A lot of my packages are gifts to be delivered to the recipient and they don't need to see how much the product cost.

Will this still fit on a half page?

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Hi Alissa,

Thanks for your feedback. We currently have this functionality built into the app. If you visit Settings >> Packing Slips, there are "Packing Slip Display Options" where you can tick on/off specific elements of the packing slips. If you untick 'Display Item Price' and then save your settings, the item price will no longer appear on any future packing slips your produce.

Hope that helps!



ShippingEasy Product Manager

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I had a customer have a serious meltdown over the fact that ShippingEasy invoices do not show if the customer received a discount on their order. It would be a nice add-on but I don't know if its possible. I would only want the item name on the invoice, we currently don't use SKUs and our descriptions are fluff text that wouldn't be useful. I am in love with the design though!

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Agree.. Packing slips generally do not have any amt info... no prices, no costs etc.. simply the contents, and their qty's  We should have full control over what variables are pushed to display

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Packing Slips are to help the warehouse ship the items. If your products are very similar in names, its helpful for the shipper to see what the product looks like. Can we add a thumbnail pic to the packing slips, imported from our store. I know Ordoro has this ability. 

No Prices listed on Packing Slips.

Options to choose what is on the Packing Slip is a great idea. Let us choose if there is prices listed for each item and totals. If the order is a gift, then the packing slip won't work.

How do you get the tracking number for the shipment on the Packing Slip, if you print the packing slip to assist in packaging the order? 

Perhaps Shipping Easy should have and Invoice & a Packing Slip.

Invoice= Everything Listed in the sample above

Packing Slip = Everything but the Prices, but also add thumbnail pics of the items 

This is great progress. Keep up the great work Shipping Easy!!!

Thanks, Jeremy


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Hi Jeremy @ Nanamacs,

You are reading our mind! We have Pick Lists in the works that will essentially be the invoice/breakdown of what a warehouse employee needs to pick from the shelves/aisles. Then we will also have the packing slips that can go into the actual box.

We'd love to get your feedback on the proposed ideas for Pick Lists (designs are on their way too). See our discussion topic here:

We have the proposal out to include the product image on the Pick List design, would you need/want it on the Packing Slip too?



Thanks for the great suggestions!


ShippingEasy Product Manager

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The packing slips are looking good. I do have two suggestions. One the quantity needs to be on the left hand side of the item so that is will line up with the description, there is so much free space in your packing slip for the item description that the spacing is to far apart on large orders to figure out what which quantity goes with which product. The above sample looks good but if you do not have a sku number or bin number it does not work. 


The store address on the packing slips also needs to be a separate field from the ship from address for the labels. For example my store address is a PO Box used by the manufacturing company over an hour away, the ship from address is my home address. I do not want the store customers coming to my home address for privacy reasons, but I do want the returned packages to come to the shipping address where I send the products from. UPS will not send it back to a PO Box either. 

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When I ship a Manual Order, the packing slip "from" address reads "Manual Orders" in place of my name or my business name. How do I change that?

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Hi Alissa,

That problem with the From Address containing the text "Manual Orders" has been fixed, so you will not see that happen on future shipments.


Gregg Sporar

Product Manager

Shipping Easy

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Hi Wendy,

Thanks for providing the feedback.

Regarding your first suggestion, I want to confirm my understanding of your request.  Are you using the packing slip to pick the order? If so, we are currently collecting customer feedback for a new pick list feature: Feel free to add more comments there.

I have a question about your second suggestion as well.  In your example, would you want the packing slip to have your PO Box listed as the store address?


Gregg Sporar

Product Manager


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On behalf of Wendy:

In answer to the first question, the packing slip is the pick slip. There is no use to print two of them, it would just be a waste of paper so the pick slip would be usless for me. What I would need is for the packing slip quantities to be close enough to the product name that it would be easy to read. I have attached an example of what is currently printing off of your system. As you can see the quantities on the right hand side are so far away from the description that I have to really look at it to see which quantities would go with each product. If the quantity field was on the left it would just fall into line very close to the product name. Much better visual. :-) Now why this is coming off on two separate sheets would also be something that would be nice to address.

As for the second question, the Store address should always come off on any communication with the customer. In my case it is the PO box. But when I ship it the packages themselves would have to have the shipping address for returns. In every other shipping program that I have used these are stand alone fields for the store address separate from the shipping address so that it can be changed to reflect the specific shipping requirements needed. For example, a store might have four warehouses that handle specific products, but the invoice will only say the store address, while the labels will have the individual shipping address for the warehouses so that if you need to send it back it is returned to the correct building.

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Hi Wendy,

We did an update last night that changed the format of the packing slips: the quantity is now next to the SKU.


Gregg Sporar

Product Manager



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Hi, Can you put a border around the packing slip? When I print the ship label/packing slip page, I often want the cut the packing slip out because it's small and would like a border as a guide. It would be super helpful to me...thank you for any help. :)

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Love the new design. I haven't used your packing slips in the past because I currently pack and ship myself using my Bigcommerce printouts. However, I am setting up a warehouse to dropship, and I would prefer they use this account to access the information and print packing slips.

Most of my products have size options. I can see you don't currently pull options information from Bigcommerce. Is there any way you can access the product options and make this happen?



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Ignore the last comment. I found the place to add the option in the Store setup. You guys are already on top of it!!

I do have a request, though. The options are on the same line as the the product name. Can you send the option information to a second line, then indent it. This would make it easier to read.

Thank you!

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I would love to have the Packing Slips (pre-label) be set to "portrait" mode. At this time it looks like the pre-label packing slips do not have any customization options.  I would love for them to look just like the post-label packing slips, just minus the tracking number.

Our packing slips go inside the box. So the box is filled and sealed prior to any labels being printed. To have to wait to print the "nice-looking" packing slips before we can seal the box up would not be efficient for us


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I have a request to add a field to the order details w/ an option to print on packing list:  ship deadline date.  

Is this something that could be easily added?

Thx :)


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I had a customer complain that his packing slip did not reflect his Grand Total after discounts. The current packing slip through ShippingEasy shows only the individual prices for each item, not the total for the entire order including discounts and coupons used. I am wondering if it is a possibility to have this updated.

I also am wondering about an option to print a packing slip with no prices reflected for gift orders where prices are not typically visible to the customer. Can this be updated on the packing slips as well? I hope we can make these changes, my customers would greatly appreciate having this information on their packing slips. Thank you very much! -Ciara, OBR

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Would like the option to show the shipping cost on the packing slip. We use the packing slip internally so it would be nice to pass the actual cost on to our accounting department for billing purposes on wholesale orders.

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Hello Jim,

Thank you very much for your feedback. I've added this into our documentation for consideration to add a new variable.

If you do not make use of our shipping reports, this can also be a great way to review shipping data internally! You can set up customer reports to send recurring emails that can be customized to your need as well. You can read more about our customer reports HERE. 

Madilynn T. [ShippingEasy Product]

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