I would like to see the ability to combine and consolidate multiple batch pick lists into one .....
We use the categories to create multiple batches by store, shipping service, address type requiring special services or add-on, etc. so our shipments are grouped in the most efficient way for packing and processing. However, for recording inventory and sales, a consolidated pick list of all products across the batches would eliminate error or omissions from manual tally and data entry.
Would also be great to add a Title - header - to the pick list showing store or batch information.
Would be super cool to export pick lists to csv / Excel data.
Thank you!
Hi Sharon - We've added a couple tools since you first made this request that might be able to help you. I'm sorry that we didn't update here sooner!
Last year, we added some Product Sales Reports. There are three versions and each can be exported as a CSV file to help you review your inventory movement. These links provide more details about each report type:
Earlier this month, we also added the option to generate pick lists including up to 2,000 orders. You'll see from the *Pick & Pack* menu that there is a new option to "Print Pick List - All Orders".
Once complete, the pick lists will print to your selected printer (either via ConnectEasy or the Ready to Print page).
I hope that one of these two options will help you. If not, please let us know what tools you're still missing.