My labels are printing on 4x6, but the end result is the size of a postage stamp on a 4x6 label . Has anyone else experienced this?


1.) If I print a label from Shipping Easy, from the Ready to Print Page - OR, if I print a test label from your Settings / Labels page - The label that pulls up in the PDF viewer and that prints - looks PERFECT and prints perfect on my Dymo Labelwriter 4xl 4x6 printer. I click on the label I want to print - the label pops up in a PDF viewer and I click print, and the label prints perfectly. Perfect size, perfect everything.


2.) If I'm on Shipment History Screen, and I click on REPRINT, next to an order to reprint a label, OR to print batch labels there - the label that get's printed, is like 2 inches by 3 inches ON my 4x6 label. I've burned through about 20 labels testing this over and over with different settings with no success. I've also read all the documentation. The label that gets printed is too small and it's landscape not portrait. This seems to be a bug, because on other screens, the printout works fine, but on the shipment history screen, it doesn't work properly.

It's also worth noting that when I'm on the Shipment History page - I don't get a pop-up PDF view of the label that is to be printed, the label JUST PRINTS (which is great, because it's one less step, but there does not seem to be a label size setting on the Shipment History page, and so the system seems to be spitting out whatever label it wants to, but I don't see how to change that to a 4x6 Dymo Label Part No 1744907

Official Comment

Hi Bill - Thank you for posting these details to the forum!

There are a lot of factors a play, so I'd like to address troubleshooting these printer issues in three parts:

  1. ShippingEasy label settings.
  2. ShippingEasy printer settings.
  3. Your computer's printer settings.

ShippingEasy label settings:

You can confirm if you have the correct size label selected by going to SETTINGS >> LABELS. You'll want to be sure that the "Default Label Output" is set to 4"x6". As you've seen, we have a step by step guide to adjusting these settings here. Note: If you make any changes to your label settings, these will affect future labels that are generated. Any label that has already been purchased will retain the label setting in place at the time of purchase.

ShippingEasy printer settings:

If you head over to SETTINGS >> PRINTERS, you'll see three different options for printer output:

  1. No direct printing - this generates a PDF for your documents, regardless of what document you're printing, or where from the app you're printing it.
  2. Use printer applet - this is an option to integrate your printer with the READY TO SHIP page and is one means to activating the "Print Now" button. It has since been replaced by the following option.
  3. Use ConnectEasy - this is a downloadable app that works over the cloud to integrate your printer with ShippingEasy. You can customize which documents print to which printer or whether they just open as PDF files. We address a number of FAQs here. Most significantly, ConnectEasy allows you to print any document directly to your printer from practically any page in ShippingEasy.

The behavior that you describe in scenario (1), where the label opens directly to PDF when printed from the READY TO PRINT or settings page, is consistent with the following configurations:

  1. No direct printing
  2. "Use printer applet" and opting to "Print Later" from the READY TO SHIP page.
  3. "Use ConnectEasy" with the option to "Print to PDF" selected for your USPS labels.

The behavior that you describe in scenario (2), where the label prints directly to your printer from the SHIPMENT HISTORY page, is consistent with having ConnectEasy configured to print your USPS labels to your Dymo.

If printing always works well when you open the label as a PDF in browser, you can opt to print via this method by configuring your ShippingEasy printer settings for "No direct printing". However, if you'd like to continue to use ConnectEasy to print directly to your printer, passing the PDF, then we'll need to take a look at your computer's printer settings.

Your computer's printer settings:

  1. Sometimes when there are problems printing, it can be corrected by updating your printer driver (even on brand new printers):
    • You can download the latest driver from DYMO by following this link. Under the product description, click the "Support" tab. Then select to download the latest driver for your operating system.
    • Anytime you update software, it's advisable to restart your computer and printer. Turning the printer on before you turn the computer back on.
  2. If updating your printer driver does not correct the format of your label output, I'd recommend reviewing the properties in place for your printer. Since you want a 4"x6" output, confirm that the page size assigned to your printer is also 4"x6". You can find steps for accessing your printer properties on a number of operating systems below:
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4" x 6 1/2" shipping label on legal size paper gives you all the benefits of a standard size shipping label with the cost savings from printing four per page. and for getting more knowledge about this you may ask to epson printer error . you will definately get your queries answered.

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Elenadamon24244, I wanted to take the time to thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge on our forums! We appreciate the interaction with our community.

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I had this same issue and I had to fix the page size of the printer settings through Windows and it worked! (your computer's printer settings, point 2) Thank you!

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