Return labels for drop-ship orders or other shipments to business


I would like the ability to create a return label for drop-shipped orders without having to create a second manual order for the return. The ability to create a return label for any arbitrary shipment would be great, for instances of a warranty return or other shipments coming to our business that may not have previous shipment associated with it.


Excellent idea, Justin. This has been forwarded to our developers so that they can be made aware of your interest in this. Please keep the feedback coming!

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This would definitely be a great feature to have.

Endicia Mac offers a selection "Print as Reply Postage" which also allows you to select a post ship date for the shipping label. -

So Shipping Easy could use it for Entering in the Returned Item(s) like you would a Manual Order and then select Print as Reply Postage from the pull down in Create Shipments. SE would process the return and print the label either as printer or PDF or mail PDF. Would really come in handy for accounting integration too :)

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Great idea. I have forwarded your request to our Product Team.

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Has this been fixed. We do a ton of returns for drop-shipments. If ShippingEasy doesn't support this, we may have to consider another competitor who does have this important feature.



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Hi Luke - Thanks for voicing your interest. Presently, there is not a streamlined solution for generating returns for shipments not originally processed through ShippingEasy. Though, we provide these work around steps:

We've not yet scheduled this feature for development, but we're interested to understand the use cases better. I have a few questions that I'd like to pose to the community at large:

  • Is this something that will be used now and then? Or is this a tool that would be used daily?
  • In a given month, approximately how many returns do you need to process for shipments not originally shipped through ShippingEasy?

Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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While this post has been fairly old, I'm surprised the feature hasn't been added. All the info is in the order history and what is being asked of shipping easy is to simply copy paste the existing order info into a return shipment much like they have already in shipment history. It would be great to also be able to create a shipment (duplicate) from the order history.

As the original poster, I do have warranty cases as well as sometimes needing to send additional parts or reship an order that was originally sent on Ebay or Amazon. This would be fairly infrequent for me (<3% of monthly shipments), however, I do ship a lot on these platforms so most of my shipments are not on ShippingEasy due to preferred UPS/Fedex rates. However, after a period of time, those platforms would not let you generate new labels so I have no choice but to generate subsequent labels on ShippingEasy.

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Hey there,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with our team! 

I believe this is great feature request and could optimize your workflow. I'll share this feedback with our Product Development team and should an update arise we will let our merchants know.  

As always, thank you for shipping with ShippingEasy!

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