Add Pick List to Shipping Label


Please consider adding the option of printing most of the pick list on the USPS shipping label. 

It currently prints the order ID which is rather useless since you still have to refer to the order on the computer.

This would save paper/ink since we won't have to print a separate pick list.

It can print the order options or SKU depending on the store it is pulling the order from.

This is so simple, I'll help you code it if necessary

Here is a link to get you started


Please Please Please



Official Comment

Great news! We have a new feature that I think this may meet your needs! You can now customize your labels a bit more. Our new templates allow for more information as seen here: How to: Customize USPS domestic shipping labels

It is not quite a "Pick List" replacement, but may help your process.

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This is a good suggestion. I am not sure if it is currently possible due to the fact that Endicia creates the labels and we provide them as PDFs (or ConnectEasy) to you. I encourage you to reach out to Endicia as well to mention your interest in this. Until then, I suggest you use a dual packing slip/label format if you are interested in saving paper. Please see her for more info:

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Have you gotten anywhere with this issue? This is what is keeping me from switching to your software. We are able to print our Amazon SKU on the label and use it at a pick list but Ebay data sources default to the ebay 12 digit item number. Please help!

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