Print Portrait 4x6 Packing Slips


Is it possible to print vertically-oriented/portrait packing slips? I need multiple items to fit on one label. With the current landscape layout, the packing slip takes 2-3 4x6 labels per shipment.


We also need the option to print in portrait layout from the Orders page. Landscape is no use; too wide which makes it hard to read accurately, plus not enough vertical space means many orders will be forced onto two pages. Waste of paper, will need to be stapled, can't quickly scan the entire order when packing--really bad. It appears that portrait is an option from the Ready to Ship page, but only one at a time...not useful. This is a potentially great feature, but not usable for us yet.

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Hi Henry's Pets -

Sorry for any confusion created by our last response. The orientation cannot be changed for the 4x6 packing slip format.

You can, however, configure 8.5x11 packing slips to print in portrait layout from the ORDERS page. To change your packing slip settings:

  2. Scroll down to the "Printed From: Orders Page" section.
  3. Set the Output Format to 8 1/2 x 11 Portrait.
  4. Save the changes.

Future packing slips that you print from the ORDERS page will in the portrait layout.

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This would also be a useful feature for us, printing on 4x6 labels in portrait layout instead of the standard landscape layout.

Thanks for the link to making custom packing slip templates, I used that to make a template that has smaller font and removed a couple line spaces that weren't used and made the font smaller. This helped to make more space available on each sheet, but I think there are still some improvements that could be made to help this:

1. I still think it could be helpful to have a 4x6 portrait mode. It may not help a ton but it is hard to say until we try it. I know it can help if the font size is small enough, and trading some font size for extra space may be worth it for some people.

2. Something I know would help would be to have the option to limit the number of characters that print out for each item name. It would be great to check a box that would limit the item name to only display a certain number of characters or to automatically shorten it to only show on one line. I think the most helpful thing would be to shorten the item name but still include the 'product options' (if that box is checked in the individual store settings)- example: 

Bright color t-shirt great for par...[medium],[red]

That way we could see the important product options like size, color, etc. and still keep it all on one line to reduce wasted space when the item name trickles onto a second line. The issue is that simply shortening the item name is not possible since we have to get as many item details and keywords into the titles so that they are optimized for searching on other marketplaces for customers to buy, that is why having the option for ShippingEasy to shorten them when the orders come in would be super helpful.

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Thank you very much for your feedback! Customer feedback is incredibly helpful to us as a means of learning what could help our merchants, so we know which new features to build. This feature will be under consideration for prioritization.

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This is pretty critical for us too. Why in the world can we not have 4x6 packing slips in portrait?

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