An end of day sheet that the FedEx driver could scan as an acceptance sheet would be very helpful. When shipping large volumes the drivers are reluctant to scan every package. As the shipper I am not covered by my insurance until the package is accepted and if there is ever an issue between the time I had the package to the driver and it gets scanned at the terminal we bear all the liability. Something similar to the USPS SCAN sheets would be very helpful to us.
Hi Robert,
This is a great suggestion. I wanted to share some great info that you may or may not be aware of. When you integrate FedEx into ShippingEasy, you actually no longer need a physical End of Day form to give to your driver. Instead, ShippingEasy sends it directly to FedEx via the API.
If this is all you need, great! If you are, on the other hand, requesting that we also allow you to print the End of Day form, I can go ahead and forward this to our Product Team. I look forward to hearing back!