If I search for an old order, and duplicate it, Shipping Easy does not re-calculate the postage, not does it require me to before clicking print. The postage charged may or may not be the total shown.
For example, if I shipped Priority Mail Legal Flat rate Envelope last week, and duplicate it today, it will show $5.60 in the price field on the shipping screen, but when I print it I am charged $6.05.
A more worrysome situation would be if I shipped a fedex express on a Wednesday, and the duplicate it on Friday, the amount shown would not include the huge Saturday Pickup Charge.
Hello Steve and thank you for posting to our community.
When duplicating a shipment, our Ready to Ship page will show you the original price that was quoted for the shipment. Unless a change is made to the shipment, that would normally be the price to ship again.
However, since a rate change has occurred, we recommend clicking one of the 'Update' buttons next to the weight or dimension fields at the bottom of the carrier options, to view the updated rate/price,
Even the if the 'Update' buttons are greyed out, they will still update the Ready to Ship page when clicked on.
The same would apply for any FedEx shipments, even though the rates come directly from FedEx.
Thank you and happy shipping.