We need more formatting options on the packing slips. Specifically, we need to remove and replace characters in the product title (to create line breaks based on characters) and if/then to display unique messaging.
Thank you,
Tracy Sailors, Mermaid Pillow Co.
Hello Tracy,
Thanks for posting your request.
Since your Product titles are pulled from the Item names in your Product Catalog, if you edit your Product/Item names there, using the step-by-step instructions in the link below, those should sync over to your Packing Slips.
How to: Edit Product details
To include unique messaging based on specific if/then criteria, we would recommend creating multiple Packing Slip templates, and use Shipping Rules to assign those to your orders. The links below may help as a springboard for setting those up.
I hope that information helps, but if you have further specific use case information regarding the line breaks you need to make based on characters in your Product Names, please let us know.
Thank you.