Shipping & delivery notifications no longer sending out


Hello, my shipping & delivery notifications suddenly stopped sending (to myself and my customers). Everything is still turned on. When I go to manually try to re-sent the notifications, again nothing comes to my inbox. Please advise. Thank you!


Hi Ksenia,

Thank you for your post!

I double checked several confirmation emails from your Shipment History and they are showing as sent.  The copies to your email address are listed as well.

If you can provide an example customer name, I will take a look at the logs closer to see if perhaps the email bounced.

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Thank you for your reply! Soon after I heard back form you the notifications starting sending normally, so I thought it resolved itself. Then yesterday again no notifications sent (at least not visible on my end) Ex. customers Joan Brocken****** and Terry Cr***. I only saw the email notifications come in tonight, 24 hours after the postage was purchased... So strange.  

7:28 on 8/5/19


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Good morning,

I checked in on the example for Joan, and we did send out that email, it was received by the customer and shows as being read. 

If you are not showing those emails in your account could you check the spam folders or just search your email for the order number or subject line, "Ananday | Order 16030 | Shipped"

Those emails should still be forwarded to your email, they may just be ending up in spam since you get so many from our server. The volume of contacts from the same server may be setting off spam alarms in your email account. 

Please let us know if that is not the case!

(sidenote: we removed the image you added to this thread as it contained personal information, but we have it on file)

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This makes sense. For Joan I did receive a notification, but 24 hours after the shipping label was printed. Usually it happens instantaneously. Do you have a record or when the notification was sent to Joan?

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Hello Ksenia!

I think I see the issue here. I took a look at one of the examples for Joan and I see the label had an advanced date set. The timing of the shipment confirmation emails depends on whether or not you have post-dated the labels.

When labels are post-dated with a future Ship date:

The shipment confirmation email will be sent on the shipment date.  The hour & minute are determined by the hour & minute of the day you printed your label.

For example: if you print a label on Monday at 5:02 pm and postdate it to ship on Tuesday, we'll send the confirmation on Tuesday at 5:02 pm.

Here is our Knowledge Base article with information on when confirmation emails are sent out:

When are my shipment confirmation emails sent?

I hope this helps, but don't hesitate to let me know if you have further questions

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Ahhh ok! I'll look out for this next time I print a label. Thanks!

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