how to obtain refund for USPS-shipped package to Australia, service suspension



I shipped a package to Australia nearly 3 months ago via USPS Priority Mail.  In that time, service has been suspended to Australia.  The conclusion of my international inquiry was that the package will be returned and that I should apply for a postage refund.

The ShippingEasy link below says to cancel the label through ShippingEasy to obtain a refund due to COVID service suspension.  But when I try to do that, I get "We were unable to cancel your shipment.  Error response from carrier:  CancelIndicium called on an old transaction."  Can you help, please?



USPS says, "If you bought postage from a third-party PC Postage® vendor (like, EasyPost, Endicia, Pitney Bowes, Ebay, or PayPal), please follow instructions provided by your vendor."

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