PrestaShop Postback


I can't get the postback function to work. I setup my SSL and freindly URLs today. I reinstalled the module and I still get an error during postback. I don't see any explanation on what the error is though. Please let me know.


Hi Tim - Thanks for posting to our forums.

When I attempt to access your website, I see that it is currently under construction. The ShippingEasy API is only able to send/receive data from "live" websites. Have you tested the integration with your site live?

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When testing this I make my site live. One problem I do see is on the module in the store it is saying the Callback URL is a http:// not https:// I don't know if that can be causing the issue. I don't know how to get that to say https://. I have tried everything.

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Hi Tim - We've made a few attempts to look into what might be causing the error you've reported. However, with your store in maintenance mode, there's nothing that we can see through the API to test.

Could you provide some more details about the specific error you get during postback? Can you also clarify what you mean by postback?

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My store has been out of maintenance mode since around 11A yesterday when your sales guy called me. I put it live then and it still is live.

By postback I mean the ShippingEasy communication to PrestaShop updating order status and Tracking number. The errors show on your site, not mine. I don't have any access to any errors besides "There was an error notifying your store this order shipped.", under shipment history on your site.

I am trying to go live this weekend and would love to get this working.

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Hello Tim,

I apologize for my delayed response. However, I've seen that you've upgraded to our Basic plan and have been working one-on-one with one of our Customer Success Advisors to target and resolve the PrestaShop error that you encountered.

If you have any tips that help fix the problem, feel free to share them with the community.

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