Packing Slip


ShippingEasy Update: This is a duplicate. Please see this alternate thread.

We have recently switched printing Packing Slips from Shippingeasy rather than our Volusion store.  However, in doing this change the Shipping method prints out as a Code rather then the actual shipping carrier and service.  I would like to request that the shipping code be replaced with the shipping Carrier and service.  The warehouse staff does not know what 101 is.

Thank you.

Official Comment

Hi Rhonda, 

At this time, ShippingEasy has no control over this as the code is what Volusion sends back to us when we request a requested service. 

In the meantime, Volusion has a code guide - you can see those codes HERE

As we currently already have a thread running for this feature, do you mind posting here: Volusion - See requested service instead of code

This will ensure that we are able to monitor and track interest in this request. As we see interest grow, we'll re-prioritize any work around this request. Thanks in advance! 

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