Shipping request! URGENT


Hello! Our business just moved offices, and the new local post office is horrible. They’ve lost packages coming to our office (shipping supplies, packaging etc..) and they’ve lost customer packages going out. So we decided to pay for UPS pickup and delivery. I create labels through your partnership with Storenvy, but the only option is to print USPS labels. Please please make an option on storenvy specifically to make usps OR UPS labels so we can fix this mess! I’m sure we aren’t the only ones who would find this incredibly helpful. Thank you.


Hi Emily, 

ShippingEasy provides the option to connect existing UPS accounts, allowing you to access UPS services and negotiated rates right from ShippingEasy. Once connected, you can create and print labels for USPS as well as UPS.

How to: Connect a UPS account with ShippingEasy

After UPS is connected, you can select your Rate Type for Daily Pickups 



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