Shipment notification callback via ShippingEasy API


I'd like to receive a "Shipment notification callback" when orders are shipped. But, I'd like to be notified of all shipments regardless of the store it came from. In reading the docs ( it sounds like the callback notification would only be sent for an order "that was added to ShippingEasy via the ShippingEasy API". So I'm guessing I wouldn't receive a callback for orders from our other stores (e.g. BigCommerce, Etsy, Amazon, etc.) Is that correct?

Is there any way to receive a "Shipment notification callback" regardless of what store the order came from?


Thanks for posting in our forums Jed! Interesting question. 

The documentation you are referencing is related to our Open API. This is to allow you to build your own integration. I'm including a link below that describes the open API. I will note that I do not see an open API store connected to your account currently. 

How do I access ShippingEasy's open API to build a custom integration?

Regarding the other stores you mentioned, the purpose of a call back is to allow ShippingEasy to update your store with shipment information. We support this for BigCommerce, Etsy, and Amazon and send updates for shipments to these stores automatically as you purchase your shipping labels. I'm including more information about updates to stores from ShippingEasy below.

How to: Update my store after an order has shipped

I hope this helps!

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Ok, thanks. So it sounds like the answer to my question is "No" I can't receive a "Shipment notification callback" regardless of what store the order came from. Hmm. I wish there was. Otherwise my application will have to poll the SE API on a set interval which I was trying to avoid.

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