Print 4x6 packing slips *before* shipping


I would like to print 4x6 packing slips before shipping so I can use them when picking and packing orders. Is this possible?


Hi Hayna - This is a great idea!

Unfortunately, at this time we only offer 8.5 x 11 (portrait or landscape) packing slips from the Orders page. However, I can see this being a great feature.

On another note, have you considered using pick lists for packing your shipments? This is a very resource efficient way to see all your orders for the day at a glance. We have more information in a couple of our Knowledge Base articles:

Thanks again - Happy shipping!

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Great news everyone! You can now print 4x6 packing slips from the Orders page! By default, it is set to 8.5x11 but if you wish to change it to 4x6, you can do the following:

  1. Go to your settings page.
  2. Navigate to the Packing Slips link
  3. On this page, scroll down to the "Printed From: Orders Page" section > and select 4 x 6 from the drop down menu.

You would then be able to print packing slips in the same way you have been doing so for the 8.5x11 size.(Note: The Knowledge Base articles have not yet been updated and should be shortly.)

We're so happy we are finally able to offer this and we hope you guys love this feature as much as we do!

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