Print Label + Packing Slip to Different Printers (at the same time)


It is possible to automatically print the shipping label and the packing slip to different printers when the shipment is created?

My setup is as follows: shipping labels print to my thermal printer, packing slips print to my color laser printer, both using ConnectEasy. When I create a shipping label, it is automatically sent to my thermal printer. However, the packing slip is not, so I have to go to Shipment History, pick the order, click on "Packing Slip", and then it is automatically sent to my laser printer.

I've looked around the settings area, and the ConnectEasy options, but I don't see any option to automatically print the shipping label to the thermal and at the same time, print the packing slip to the laser.

Please add this as a feature if it is currently unavailable.


Hi Ray,

Thanks for this feedback. I have passed along your suggestion for an option to print both automatically upon clicking Print Now for different types of printers.

I do want to propose an alternative option to you, however. We currently have combination packing slip/label combos as well as the option to have the label precede an automatically printed packing slip. Have you tried using those options? Please see here for more info on that option: How do I print Packing Slips with my Shipping Labels?.

Alternatively, if you click "Print Later" you can print all of your packing slips and labels at the same time with the option to "Print Selected" or "Print All" and under those drop downs are the option to print just the packing slip, just the label, or both. Here is some more info on the Ready to Print page" Ready to Print Main Overview.


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Hi Rachael,

I'm not sure I follow with the other printing options. As far as I can tell, having the packing slip precede the shipping label means they'll be printed to the same printer. And as for the combo packing slip/shipping label, this means they'll both be printed on the same sheet. Do I have this correct?

My situation is that I have a thermal printer with 4x6 labels and a laser with standard letter size paper sheets. It doesn't make a difference the order which they print, but it appears either option you mention will send to the same printer. If I'm wrong, please let me know.


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That is correct. It is a good alternative, however, it does not 100% replace what you are requesting. The closest thing to what you are wanting to do that we offer right now is by using the "Print Later" option.

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I tried the "Print Later" option and it prints to both printers at the same time. So it seems what I'm requesting already exists, except one additional step needs to be taken. If this can be added to the "Print Now" button, that would be great. Thanks.

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Glad you found that helpful. I have forwarded your request to remove the extra step. How would you prefer to see this feature implemented?

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We just bought a thermal printer and would love the print now button to print our label on our thermal and the packing slip on the laser.

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Hi Rachel,

(I thought I responded but I don't see it here) As far as implementing this feature, when I press the "Print Now" button, it should print to both the thermal printer (shipping label) and laser printer (packing slip) at the same time. This already happens if I click on the "Print Later" button, then go to the "Ready to Print" page, and select the "Print All Packing Slips + Labels" option. So if the extra step of going to the "Ready to Print" page can be eliminated, then it would work as I would expect.

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I have read your post and found the same issue with my printer. My printer is not giving dual different print. I contact Ricoh printer support for recovering any possible solution. They checked my printer and change something then it is giving as my requirement.

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Hi Sabhana,

Thank you for posting to our forums and sharing your success after contacting Ricoh printer support.

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