On the order page, could we get an update weight button under edit weight in the drop down?


ShippingEasy Update: This is a duplicate. Please see this alternate thread.

So while using the usb scale It would be nice for shipping my first class packages (which we have a lot of) if I could just have click a update / refresh weight button like you have in the ready to ship screen in the drop down selections to the right of each row on the orders screen. This would update the weight of the order on that row for me so all I have to do is click my quick ship option and the label would print. Now I can just stay on the orders screen for all my small orders which is a good 70% of them.

Official Comment

We're working on enhancing the tools available on the Orders page to update pre-shipment orders. Please add your ideas to our active thread:

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We have already utilized the arrange columns feature. I was just wanting something quicker for edit weight rather than manual entering the number. Rather just hit update and It take the weight from the usb scale

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The link I mention should not be taking you to the Arrange Columns thread but to a new thread asking what you'd like to see on the Orders page - if it is, not, please let me know. If you could post to the other thread, that would be great!

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