Single Screen - Shipping Rates Comparison Chart


ShippingEasy Update: This is a duplicate. Please see this alternate thread.

It would be great to click on a link and a single screen would pop up showing the rates from all the carriers that I have selected in settings. It's a bit cumbersome the way we have to do it now by selecting the carrier, choose the service, choose the package, update the weight and size, and then do it all over again for each service provider. Because we have the ability to input our individual account number in for each service provider, then Shipping Easy should be able to easily tap into that account for individual discounted shipping costs.

Official Comment


Interesting idea! I've forwarded this to our Product Team but I also encourage you to post your interest in this feature as well: Compare Rates Tool Between CarriersIt seems like your idea may be slightly difference in how it performs but the idea is similar. Because the ideas are so close, and we want our CEO to be able to manage interests in one cohesive thread, I am going to go ahead and close this thread. However, please follow and like the alternate thread above. You can comment with your specific needs, too!


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Hi Robb,

I'm not 100% sure I understand but from what it sounds like, you are wanting a comparison chart of sorts for rates across all carriers. Is that right? If not, can you please clarify your need?

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Yes, that is correct. Maybe have a separate button that opens up a popup. It would pull the weight and dimensions from the previous screen (same one we have now), but then give you a list of all the carries and all their options. Then we just click the one we want and that populates the previous screen so we can add it to the cart. I think most store owners are like me and try to ship the cheapest way possible.

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