Additional Shipping Confirmation Email Upon Carrier Acceptance?


ShippingEasy Update: This is a duplicate. Please see this alternate thread.

Is it possible for ShippingEasy to automatically send an email notification when a carrier accepts the shipment?

Right now the only option is to send confirmation on label creation, but it would be very valuable for a customer to get notified with a shipment is picked up by (or dropped off at) the carrier and is in-transit.

I know that ShippingEasy gets this data from USPS, for example, and I believe it is used to drive the status icon of the shipping history, so it seems doable.

Thank you for your consideration; I love ShippingEasy!

Official Comment

Hi Alex,

I wanted to reach out because I noticed we actually have another thread regarding this request that has seen some more traction. I wanted to ask if you can post there so that our CEO can see how interested our customers are in this feature in one cohesive thread? You can comment, like, and follow, to this alternate thread - thanks!

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Hi Alex,

Great suggestion! I'll definitely forward this request to my Product Team as it sounds like a useful tool. I imagine it would be some kind of additional email template that would say something like "Your order has shipped" and then we'd send out a second template that you create more along the lines of where to track it, etc. Does that sound about right?

On another note, so glad to hear you love us! We love helping you ship! Please keep the awesome requests coming!

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