Add "PRINT PDF" button along with "PRINT NOW" & "PRINT LATER"


Adding "PRINT PDF" button along with "PRINT NOW" & "PRINT LATER" will be helpful for someone like me who needs to print hardcopy or softcopy randomly anytime.


You can do this already, just choose a PDF printer, most windows programs already come with a PDF printer installed, if not, just get CUTEPDF its an excellent free program.  I don't think it would be a good use of shippingeasy resources to try and have them re-invent something that is already standard.

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Hi Eric, 

This is an interesting suggestion! The "Print Now" and "Print Later" buttons are only currently available on the Ready to Ship screen, so I'd like to clarify: are you wanting to see an option to "Print PDF Now" and "Print PDF Later" on the Ready to Ship screen, or do you prefer to simply have an option on the Shipping History screen to choose PDF as a print option before the "Reprint" option becomes available? 

As of now, we do allow you to reprint a PDF from the Shipping History screen if you 1) have your printers assigned to PDF in your ShippingEasy printer settings or 2) are just reprinting. However, if you have ConnectEasy turned on and printers assigned to certain jobs, and you have not yet printed the label once, you won't see an option to specifically print a PDF.

If you can clarify what you are specifically requesting, I'd be more than happy to add this to our list of features to consider.

I would like to suggest one workaround in the until we do have this feature.  When you need PDF copies before the "Reprint" option is available you can go to Settings > Printers in ShippingEasy and allocate your prints to the PDF option, versus a printer. When you are finished gathering the PDF prints you need, you can simply turn ConnectEasy back on for direct-printing. I realize this is a bit of a longer process than you'd like, but hopefully it helps in the meantime! 

I hope this helps! 

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I want to have an option to "Print PDF Now" and "Print PDF Later" on the Ready to Ship screen.


PRINT NOW : go to printer, as normal process

PRINT LATER: useless for me because "Ready to print" page is very confusing with many steps. I suggest after print later, just go to Shipment history to reprint. Shipment history is much easier to reprint on printer or pdf.

PRINT PDF NOW: I suggest to add this to "Ready to Ship" page because it is one step process to print PDF. Some orders I want to print to PDF instead of printer and send to someone.

PRINT PDF LATER: may be not too useful because I prefer go to Shipment history to reprint.


Thank you for your consideration.

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My suggestion is to have both printing on label printer and PDF at the same time on Ready to Ship page and become a one step process(for pdf printing). This is good for someone who sometime wants to print on printer or pdf randomly.

I don't want to go back setting to change pdf printer and then chagne back to label printer back and forth.

May be you don't get my point. I wish I always have options to either print on label printer or print on pdf anytime I want on Ready to Ship page.

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e.g. I have 3 orders, A,B,C.

A and B needs to print on label printer

C needs to print as PDF.

A and B I will just click PRINT NOW and it will output labels to print.

But C,

current process is to: click "PRINT LATER"->"PRINT as PDF"(Ready to print page) -> click "reprint"

I suggested process: add a new button called PRINT PDF on Ready to Ship page. Click "PRINT PDF" and print PDF, isn't it much easier?

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Hi Eric, 

Thanks for clarifying. I understand your request now and will add it to our list of features to consider. I can see this saving you some hassle and helping to further optimize shipping for you. Thanks! 

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There are times when I need to print a label from a computer that doesn't have a laser printer and this option would be very handy.  Right now I just select print now, which doesn't do anything of course, then go to the reprint and select the PDF option.  Not very handy.

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I second this idea.

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