Order stuck in ready to print due to not enough postage


I have an order that is stuck in ready to print with the following message

This is the error message we've received back from USPS:
There is not enough money in the account to produce the indicium. Error encountered (Log ID: 36381)

I do not want the label. I shipped it elsewhere.

Official Comment

Hello Jim - Sorry to see that you ran into this error!

It appears that the label was never purchased. You can cancel the purchase request and remove the label by following these steps:

  1. Go to the READY TO PRINT page.
  2. Click the grey "Retry" button. This will send the order back to the READY TO SHIP page.
  3. From the READY TO SHIP page, locate the order in the Pending Queue.
  4. Click the "x" next to the order to remove the order to the ORDERS page.
  5. From the ORDERS page, locate the order.
  6. Check the box to the left of the order.
  7. Expand the More menu and select "Clear order".
  8. This will permanently remove the order from your account.

Let me know if you have any questions about the process. Thanks!

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that process makes very little sense and is NOT intuitive. 

I don't want to retry.  I just want to delete the orders.  

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Hi Ben, 

Thanks for taking the time to post on our forum. A member of our Customer Support team will reach out to you to get this resolved. 

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