Proactively Linking Product Catalog SKUs to Stores for Multi-Channel Sellers?


Please confirm that this is the case:  ShippingEasy cannot proactively send quantity updates to Ebay or Amazon until an order for that SKU has come from that marketplace.  If we've had an order for a SKU from Ebay but not Amazon, then ShippingEasy can control that SKU on Ebay but not Amazon.

It seems like it will take a fatal number of order defects before ShippingEasy is able to actually manage our inventory across Ebay, Amazon, and Shopify.  I feel like I must be misunderstanding how this works.  Please advise.

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Hi Andrew & Randy, 

Right now new orders must sync from eBay, Amazon and BigCommerce in order to link your SKU(s) to your product catalog in ShippingEasy. That said, we are currently working on the option to link all SKUs without new orders and hope to go live with this update next week. 

Please note that the bulk link products feature is already live on our Shopify integration as well. You can read more about how to set this up here:

I understand that in the meantime waiting for your eBay and Amazon stores to sync new orders is not ideal. I will update this post again as soon we are able to bulk link your products on each of these store platforms. 

Tessa Hadobas [Product Manager]

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This is the fatal flaw with Shipping Easy that prevents it from being a viable application.

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Hi Randy & Andrew, 

Please be advised that we have added the "Link Products" button to the store settings page for Amazon and BigCommerce. This means that you're now able to bulk link all of your products in your product catalog to each of these store(s). 

We're still working on adding this to our eBay integration and hope to have this completed next week. I will update this thread again once eBay has been completed. 

Tessa Hadobas [Product Manager]

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This is great news.  We are excited to make the transition as soon as Ebay is up and running.

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Hi Randy & Andrew, 

Please be advised that we have added the "Link Products" button to the store settings page for eBay. This means that you're now able to bulk link all of your products in your product catalog to each of your eBay stores. 

Tessa Hadobas [Product Manager]

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Thank you, Tessa.

Is there any movement on the Pending Amazon orders? We are concerned about that. I know that it’s a major change to functionality, but I think any multi-channel seller will find the current functionality risky.

Best regards,

Andy Thomas

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Hi Andy, 

I completely understand. This request has been discussed with our wider product team. However, as we near the busy holiday season we will go into a code freeze at the beginning of November. To help ensure stability throughout the holiday period no updates will be deployed to our application following this date. At this time it is unlikely that the required updates to Pending Amazon orders will be made before this code freeze is put in place. 

That said, it is high on our consideration list and is something that we would like to revisit early in 2017. I will update this thread with additional information as soon as it becomes available.

Tessa Hadobas [Product Manger]

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UPDATE: ShippingEasy retired the Inventory Management subscription in June of 2020. Our Product Catalog stores a comprehensive list of the products you sell and allows you to add your product information to leverage product and SKU details to ship more efficiently. Learn more about our Product Catalog.

Existing Inventory Management subscribers will still have the ability to use the features specific to Inventory Management, however, we are no longer supporting new subscribers.

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