Allowing More Than 8 Variants Under a Parent


We sell items that have between 13-21 different color options. When adding a product, ShippingEasy only allows me to add 8 different colors, and I then have to go and add each color as their own products and get it to then go under the parent, this takes up ALOT of my time, and away from more important work that needs to be done. So if you could allow unlimited Size/Color/Material options or even 70 or more, that would be a huge help. 

Official Comment

Hi all,

Thanks for the posts. Good News! We have recently added support for more than eight options per attribute. For example, if a product is sold in multiple colors, now nine or more color options can be saved for the product. 

NOTE: there is a limit of 100 variant SKU's per parent product.

As such, the combination of attribute options (ie variables) for a product cannot exceed 100. For example, if a shirt is made of two types of material, comes in four sizes, and has eight colors - the total number of variant SKUs is 64 (2 x 4 x 8). This is less than the limit of 100, so all attribute options could be configured and all 64 variant SKUs would be created.

We have also added support for more attribute types. Previously, only color, size, and material options could be added to variants. Now, merchants can define their own custom attributes.

You can read more about these and the remaining variant updates in our Release notes here:

Thanks again for helping us bring this to life. Your feedback was key in the implementation. 


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Hi ModShield By Jojo,

Thank you for reaching out and posting your feedback! At this time, we don't have a specific release date for this feature but it is on our team's list to consider for prioritization. We've logged your support of this as well. 

If we hear this feature mentioned by any customers, we will ask them to comment to show their support. If there are any updates, we will be sure to post and update as well.

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We sell lots of apparel products and have a need for managing lots of variants. 

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Hi Renee,

Thanks for the post! We appreciate your feedback and have documented your request for additional variants support in our app.

If there are any updates, we will be sure to update this post and direct other customers to share their feedback here as well!

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This has been updated, nobody has contacted us to let us know, but it now lets me add 13 colors, I have not tried to add more than that, but before it only allowed 8, so this problem is no longer an issue. 

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