Quick Ship Issue


Last night I created 6 quick ship labels and then went to bed. This morning, I paid for them and was going to print but received an error message saying the shipping date was not "in the future". When I select "retry" and correct the shipping date, it now wants to charge me again for each of these labels. That seems a little absurd to me. Can anyone help me avoid having to pay for all of these labels twice?


Hi Kristi,

Thank you for posting to our forums!

The failed labels would not have been charged for.

After clicking retry and choosing the correct shipping date on the Ready to Ship screen, you should see an "updating shipment" spinner and then be able to purchase the label after that finishes.

If you would like to double check your postage account to make sure the failed labels were not charged for, I recommend logging into the Stamps postage account directly via these steps:

Go to Settings then Postage & Carriers
Find the Stamps.com account
Then click “Show Passwords” to find the Username and Password.

Use both of those (the Username and Password) to log in at: print.stamps.com 

Then follow the guide here for Stamps.com to download your purchase history:  Download USPS Postage Purchase History - ShippingEasy | How To

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