Error adding UPS One Balance


I tried to add UPS to One Balance, but after filling out all the fields, I'm getting an error message "Error submitting the form. Please try again."

I tried several times, and I get the same error every time. I have also tried the troubleshooting tips, including using my legal name and removing the 0 from my zip code, but it did not help.


Hello there,

Thank you for posting on our community forums! I have reached out to you via email to help you resolve this.

I hope this helps!

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I am getting the same error. How can I resolve this?

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Thank you for reaching out to ShippingEasy. A member of our Customer Success team will reach out. 

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Thanks for reaching out to ShippingEasy. A member of our Customer Success team will reach out. 

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I am also receiving this error - can someone help me?

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Thanks for taking the time to post to our Community Forum. A member of our Customer Success team will be reaching out to you directly. You might also find the answers to your questions in our Support Center.

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Like everyone else in this post, I too am having this issue.  Can someone please point me in the direction to get this resolved?  Thanks.

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Thanks for taking the time to post to our Community Forum. A member of our Customer Success team will be reaching out to you directly. You might also find the answers to your questions in our Support Center.

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Having the same issue and browsing thru the community forum, I'm wondering if I make a common mistake or this is simply a glitch in the system that only the Customer Success team can fix.

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Thanks for taking the time to post to our Community Forum. A member of our Customer Success team will be reaching out to you directly. You might also find the answers to your questions in our Support Center.

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Same error for me.  This has been going on for 2+ years.  And their starter plan apparently doesn't include any kind of customer support at all (no email, no chat, no phone).  I had to try sending a help request to their general sales & marketing contact, and I got the expected response of just the basic instructions, which I already followed, including the screenshot of the completed form and associated error message. 

Since this seems to be the place to try go get support for this recurring issue, please respond to me on here.  

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After I commented here, they eventually added UPS One Balance to my account.  But!  For one of the packages I shipped that way, UPS added a substantial upcharge without explanation.  Since I'm on the free tier, I could not get any customer support help from either ShippingEasy or UPS.  Very frustrating.

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I am also getting the same error.

Can someone please help fix this?

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