Shopify Sync Bugs/Requests: Sync partially-fulfilled orders, Do not sync held orders, sync order updates.


Hi Shipping Easy, 

We switched over to your platform from PirateShip about a 3 weeks ago and have been mostly happy with the changes and additional functionality/customization. We have run into a number of issues though, that are making it possible to exclusively use ShippingEasy, and may eventually force us onto another solution. None of my requests below should be difficult from an engineering standpoint. Please, please, please make these improvements so we can fully invest into your platform.

  1. Sync partially-fulfilled orders: Today we offer both physical goods that require shipment as well as digital gift cards. When a customer checks out with both a digital gift card and a physical item, the digital GC is automatically fulfilled. We noticed that partially-fulfilled orders ARE NOT synced to SE via the Shopify sync and these orders get missed unless we manually review all orders. This is particularly painful when executing an order exchange in Shopify, as the replacement items NEVER get synced for fulfillment to SE. This, IMO, is a bug in your sync - or at least a feature oversight at the very least. You should add a setting to the Orders tab in Stores & Orders that allows users to enable the sync of partially-fulfilled orders-- and frankly that should be the default option.
  2. Do not sync held orders: It's somewhat ironic that SE decides to sync Shopify orders that are on HOLD/HELD status, but not orders that are partially-fulfilled. We (and shopify/shopify apps) put orders on hold manually or automatically. One use case is when our address validation app (AddressGuard) flags and holds an order when the address is deemed too inaccurate or undeliverable. Another use case is when we receive customer emails asking for order changes or updates shortly after placing the order so we place the order on hold to give us and the customer time to update their order details. At the very least, if you're going to sync held orders, you should sync in the hold/held status or add a tag of some sort so we can create automations around this. 
  3. Sync order updates: Multiple times now I've gone into shopify to update an order (change, add, remove items) at the request of the customer prior to fulfillment. When we go into the SE dashboard and click re-sync, the updated item list does not get pulled in. When a manual sync is triggered by the end user, this shouldre-sync all open/unfulfilled/partially-fulfilled orders and their item list/details. Based on my observations, your team took a short-cut and doesn't resync orders that have already previously been pulled in. This causes a lot of headaches-- for the reasons above. We almost didn't catch this and we would have sent the original order list rather than the updated one. 

I stand corrected - SE does in fact not sync an order if it is submitted immediately with a hold status. That said, if a manual sync is triggered an existing order that was already synced now has a hold/held status in shopify, I'd propose that it should be removed from the list of synced orders in SE that is ready for shipping. I can confirm that this use case still is not handled. 

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