ShippingEasy Not Updating Shipped Orders on Etsy



After running about 100 hundred Etsy orders found out ShippingEasy is not updating Etsy that the orders are filled.  Is this a common problem between ShippingEasy and Etsy as they are this not updated as shipped 4 hours later?

All support closed several hours ago and no answer to any emails.  

Thanks in advance...James


I am having the same issue. I would like to know if there is a fix in place or planned by either ShippingEasy or Etsy.

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Thank you for reaching out about this issue with Etsy shipments not updating to the store as shipped. I'm very sorry that you have had to experience this, as I know it is frustrating to find that your shipments appear as "unfulfilled" when you have already generated labels for them.

This is an issue our team is currently working to resolve.

James, I see that we currently have an escalation open for you on this issue. Our team will make sure to follow up with you as soon as this has been resolved.

Teressa, I will be following up with you via email so we can look into this shipment update issue you are experiencing on your account. 

Thank you both for bringing this to our attention!

ShippingEasy's Merchant Support Team

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