When I need to add an order with my 2nd store it takes a lot of changing to get the logo, etc for the secondary store, then going back and changing everything back. I made notes this time, hopefully I won't have to call in again for help.
This can be automated. We run 2 Shopify stores feeding into 1 ShippingEasy instance. For this, we have different logos on customized Packing Slips, and "From" addresses for the shipping labels.
This can be set up automatically via the Settings --> Shipping Settings --> Shipping Rules based on the "Store" "equal" to the name of the source from the Stores & Orders Integrations. You "Then" "set the packing slip template" and "set ship from address" as needed.
You can do similar to manually entered orders by entering info in the custom fields that can be used in lieu of the Store in the shipping rules.
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