Automatically sync BigCommerce products


If every product I add to BigCommerce has to be added to shippingeasy, we would have to rethink if everything about shippingeasy is easy. If shippingeasy can sync order info, they be able to sync product info as well?

Official Comment

Hi Nitivel, 

Thank you for your post. To clarify, our new product catalog with inventory support enabled does offers the same functionality as our previous product catalog. Specifically, you can configure your BigCommerce store so that products appended to orders are automatically added to your product catalog upon sync. 

If you would rather your products were saved prior to receiving you first order then you can add products one at a time via the "Add Product" button or upload them via a CSV file using the "Upload Products" tool. I believe BigCommerce allows you to export your products from their system so the CSV upload is likely the quickest way to bulk update or save new products in ShippingEasy.

You can read more information on our product catalog here:

If there are other inventory customers that request a similar feature we will direct them to this post to follow or post other suggestions. When we have another solution, we will post an update back to this thread.

Tessa Hadobas [Product Manager]

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I definitely would like Big Commerce ability to import items like what exist for ebay and Amazon.

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UPDATE: ShippingEasy retired the Inventory Management subscription in June of 2020. Our Product Catalog stores a comprehensive list of the products you sell and allows you to add your product information to leverage product and SKU details to ship more efficiently. Learn more about our Product Catalog.

Existing Inventory Management subscribers will still have the ability to use the features specific to Inventory Management, however, we are no longer supporting new subscribers.

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