I will be providing good examples as to why my pitch for Bundled SKUs needing to be allowed to have their own Suppliers. The other logical fix is to implement a way for a product that are ordered from suppliers as packs of (quantity #). And be able to split those packs for sale as smaller quantities. I'll give you an examples below:
If I was a subscription snackbox company. And my vendors only sell their snacks in quantities of say 100 in one supplier SKU. But I want to break them down into a smaller quantity. Maybe quantity of 1 and quantity of 5. I would make a base SKU for quantity of 1, but it would be a bundle for the quantity of 5.
CHIPS - SKU: CHIP-1 (base sku for quantity of 1)
CHIPS - (bundle) SKU: CHIP-1: 5
CHIPS - (bundle with supplier sku) SKU: CHIP-1: 100 (This is the sku I order from my supplier since they only sell in packs of 100)
My dilemma here is that, yes I can probably use the inventory system as they are working now and manually override quantities as they are ordered. But then I would have to manually override for over 1000 skus. Which would make this inventory system not consider streamline and easy to use, rather it creates even more work for me.
So if you guys put in the ability to add suppliers to bundle skus. It would help sellers like myself who purchase products in large packs and need to separate them into smaller quantities without having to painstakingly override stock manually every time. If anything you need me to clarify more or need to speak with me. You can reach me at [hidden] or [hidden].
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Bundle SKUs need to be allowed to have Suppliers
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I'm trying to understand your issue but I'm not getting it and I think it's because you are looking at it at an unusual way.
I have a similar situation where my suppliers sell by the case and I sell individual units. So if the case has 12 individual units inside and I want to buy 1 case, my purchase order is 12 units for the SKU. If I want to buy 2 cases, I would put 24 units.
And you can do this too and not have to override stock for whatever reason you do now.
Any bundle's available inventory count is automatically updated based on the component's available inventory. If you have a bundle of 10 Chips and you have 100 Chips in stocks, that means you have 10 bundles of 10 Chips, as well as 20 bundles of 5 Chips, etc.
You need to order by the smallest unit possible, most likely individual units. When you are buying a pack of 100 chips from your supplier, you are not buying "1 qty" of something, it's really 100 qty. So you would put 100 in the purchase order for the base SKU which is 1 chip and once you receive it, all your bundles of that product are automatically updated.
The only feature they would be able to implement to make this process easier is to only allow to enter qty in multiples of the supplier's case pack on purchase orders, however, I add a tag for each item to help me remember the case qty, and that's how I do it.
I have no idea how adding a supplier to a bundle will help you. Bottom line is you need to order in terms of individual units and not Packs or cases. If I misunderstood you, please clarify.
Hi Tomasz,
Thanks for your reply. However, my case and your case are two totally different situations. And I understand what you are saying completely.
Let's get back down to what we can agree on, which is you want to order in the smallest unit as possible. And then you can bundle the small units into packs of whatever quantity you want.
However, my case is basically 1 count order is of an item that comes in packs of 5. That's the smallest the vendor sells them as. It is NOT a case of 5, but the item ordered is considered as 1 unit. In the 1 order of fuses, inside the bag it comes in 5 fuses. That is the smallest denomination of which you can order from this vendor.
The easiest solution is to only sell it as it is package. I would sell it as 1 order, and each order has 5 fuses in the bag. However, my customers don't always need to buy 5 fuses. So I want to be able to open the bag, and repackage each fuse as individual quantity.
So if the vendor sells it to me as 1 order (not one case) of 5 fuses. But in turn, I break them down into smaller quantities than they were intended. ShippingEasy does not allow me to put a supplier for that SKU since it's considered a bundle.
So the correct thing for me to do is create it as it's own SKU (the pack of 5 in 1 order). However, from there I cannot link it to my own SKUs and repackaging of the individual fuses. I would have to manually input the individual quantities each time I get a shipment in. Which would defeat the purpose of making the inventory system automated.
My supplier does not sell them as single fuses. Only in bags of 5 fuses as 1 unit of order. But if I am allowed to put suppliers for SKUs with multiple individual units in each pack for one order, that would help me immensely because I wouldn't have to manually input quantities in each time. Which will save me on a lot of time.
Ok, I understand the situation better now and it would definitely be helpful. I am in a similar situation so I will tell you what I do.
I believe you want to simply send the purchase order to your supplier "as is" from ShippingEasy. I don't do that. What I do in the ShippingEasy purchase order is make everything in individual units so that the inventory/bundling all works out in ShippingEasy but for sending the order to my supplier, I simply make a spreadsheet of their SKU/Item number and qty (of cases).
You said you would have to manipulate qtys of "over 1000 SKUs" but are you buying 1000 SKUs per order from your supplier? If it's a more manageable number of items, I would try what I do, in a spreadsheet or some random online purchase order generator, if you need it to look more professional and write in the qtys however your supplier needs to see it in.
That is the best solution I could think of for my situation but I am buying max 50 SKUs from a supplier, and not thousands.
I think Tomasz is correct in the way it should be handled.
I think what you are missing is having the pack size on the PO that reflects the vendors order-able units.
I know Shipping Easy is working on pack size implementation, not sure how far along it is.
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UPDATE: ShippingEasy retired the Inventory Management subscription in June of 2020. Our Product Catalog stores a comprehensive list of the products you sell and allows you to add your product information to leverage product and SKU details to ship more efficiently. Learn more about our Product Catalog.
Existing Inventory Management subscribers will still have the ability to use the features specific to Inventory Management, however, we are no longer supporting new subscribers.