Email Notification Settings


We've heard from a few of our users that they want to be able to customize what is displayed on Shipment Confirmation emails i.e. have options like on Packing Slips to remove the item price and shipping method. Feedback has also rolled in to remove all product details.

What else would you like to see customizable in these email settings?


We would like to edit the entire HTML of the emails. Otherwise we use our Shopify Notifications.

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Removing all Product details would be a great option to have, due to the fact that shipping easy does not update order info outside of when it originally receives a new order.  

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I would like when an order is split to have it show two lists of items: "Items in this shipment" and "Items shipped separately" or something to that effect.  Or at least say something like "Shipment 1 of 2" so the customer will know to expect a second shipment.

I don't know how feasible it would be but if it is it would be awesome to have it show, "Items in this shipment", "Items already shipped", and "Items to be shipped soon" or something like that. (This would of course need to be combined with the ability to split an order more than once)

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1) Have a default ShippingEasy template with simple on/off features for general purposes.

  • On/Off the shipping method text and time frame. I use USPS First class package and on the email it says 3-4 days when in reality it can be up to 7 days if its cross country. I don't want to explain to my customers why it didn't arrive in 4 days.

2) Have a separate HTML customizable template for the more advanced users. Predefined tags can be replaced with actual content when the email is generated. (This idea would also be nice in the packing slips) 


use the text _{{ order.tracking }} _in the HTML and it will be replaced with the actual tracking number when the email is sent.

This can later expand to a user submitted templates hosted by ShippingEasy for the community.


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I second that, Chuck!  

Perhaps two email options for each status; an HTML version and a Text Only version? The benefit to allowing SE external customers to use HTML to customize the email correspondence is; fully customizable, allows for customer hosted images, etc. for branding without additional service expense (moving to higher SE service level) and without the storage/bandwidth pressure on SE's servers.  

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