For the first time I uploaded the inventory file to ShippingEasy and processed the first order today. However, the inventory level did not change. E.g. if I had 5 item A's, I still had 5 of them in the inventory page after processing the order. The only reason that comes to my mind is that perhaps the order was placed before I uploaded the inventory to ShippingEasy? Can you identify the reason why the inventory didn't update?
Error in inventory quantity update
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Hi Tessa,
The order was placed through the store. I don't mind sharing the order number publicly. You can check two orders for example. Order# 13873 and 13876. None of the orders have affected our inventory so far. We haven't placed manual orders to test yet.
Hi Yashar,
Thank you for these example orders. I've reviewed each of these and have listed some additional questions and notes below:
Order #13873 -
1) It looks like this order was edited in ShippingEasy. Can you please advise what edits you made. Did you add or remove products from this order?
2) None of the products in this order have an SKU. In ShippingEasy we use the SKU as the point of reference when tracking your stock. So, in order for us to account for an inventory adjustment we need to know which SKU has been ordered and/or shipped. Is there a reason these products do not have an SKU saved? Were these removed when you edited the order?
Order #13876-
1) It looks like this order was combined. One of the original orders #13085 was placed on 7/15 and has had it's inventory correctly adjusted in ShippingEasy. An example SKU1047 shows that an item was shipped on 8/16 and that the stock was moved from available to sold. Note, this stock was not previously moved to committed as the order pulled into ShippingEasy before your account was enabled with inventory support. We can only mark stock as committed when new orders sync into our system.
2) Some of the products in this order are also missing SKUs. As I mentioned above we need an SKU in order to adjust the stock of your product.
Tessa Hadobas [Product Manager]
UPDATE: ShippingEasy retired the Inventory Management subscription in June of 2020. Our Product Catalog stores a comprehensive list of the products you sell and allows you to add your product information to leverage product and SKU details to ship more efficiently. Learn more about our Product Catalog.
Existing Inventory Management subscribers will still have the ability to use the features specific to Inventory Management, however, we are no longer supporting new subscribers.
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Hi Yashar,
Thank you very much for participating in our inventory management beta and for your post. I apologize that your order did not update your inventory in ShippingEasy. Can you please advise if this was a manual order, or one of your store orders? Also would you mind providing the specific order number and SKU so that I can investigate this further.
If you would rather provide this information over email and not in the public beta forum please click on the email icon in the upper lefthand corner of this page and include "Attn Tessa" in the subject.
Tessa Hadobas [Product Manager]