Keep Import/Export CSV in sync with GUI


please keep the product inventory import/export fields updated and in sync with the GUI fields.  ie. we are currently unable to import quite a few fields. active/inactive (very important), ASIN, UPC.

Official Comment

Hi DJ, 

Thank you for your post. It sounds like you might have the same request/s as several other customers mentioned on the following two posts:

If your requests are the same as those describe in the above posts could you please move or add your comments to these other posts as well. Feedback helps us to learn how many customers are interested in each feature and prioritize what we should work on next. So, it would be great to track all these requests for the same feature on the one post/thread. 

Tessa Hadobas [Product Manager]

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Hi DJ,  

I just wanted to let you know that we have added columns for UPC, ISBN, ASIN and Active to our products CSV import and export file. You can now upload and/or edit each of these values via our products CSV process. 

Tessa Hadobas [Product Manager]

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UPDATE: ShippingEasy retired the Inventory Management subscription in June of 2020. Our Product Catalog stores a comprehensive list of the products you sell and allows you to add your product information to leverage product and SKU details to ship more efficiently. Learn more about our Product Catalog.

Existing Inventory Management subscribers will still have the ability to use the features specific to Inventory Management, however, we are no longer supporting new subscribers.

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