Automatic syncing with other customer database


I would love to see a way where existing customers in our database can be automatically synced to this customer list. We already have a user/subscriber/customer database- but is not nearly as readable 

I would also love to see automatic order syncing with our brick & mortar store. For example; "Customer A" has purchased from us online. If "Customer A" came to our physical store and purchased on our POS system, I would be able to type in their username or email associated with their account & have that in-store purchase automatically synced into their order history, and vice versa.


Hi ,

Thank you for your interest in our new customer management solution. We're excited to launch our new capability and plan to continue to make updates to the application over the coming weeks and months.

The ability to import existing customer lists into ShippingEasy's CM system is high on our list.

Regarding support for POS systems, we are still accepting requests and feedback before making decisions on that type of feature. We will direct any customers with similar requests to comment or follow on this post as well. Feedback helps us to learn how many customers are interested in each feature and prioritize what we should work on next.

Gregg Sporar
Product Manager

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