Downloading Customer Data


One feature that would be super useful is the ability to download customer data into an excel or csv file. This would be really great because you can then import customers email and phone number data into Facebook and create ad groups of previous customers to re-target them for other products!

This would be hugely helpful!


Hi ,

Thank you for your interest in our new customer management solution. We're excited to launch our new capability and plan to continue to make updates to the application over the coming weeks and months.

We are still accepting requests and feedback before making decisions on the next features to focus on. The ability to import/export customer data is on our list of features to develop.

We will direct any customers with similar requests to comment or follow on this post as well. Feedback helps us to learn how many customers are interested in each feature and prioritize what we should work on next.

Gregg Sporar
Product Manager

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