Feature requests for the customers beta


Here are a few suggestions: 1) allow attachment of pictures or files to the notes 2) You must allow for searches of text in the notes fields!!! 3)Allow for automated emails based upon tags, so a sequence of emails that are separated by a few days when a tag exists. 4)Allow for text messaging SMS / MMS to customers when a phone number exists! You could do an integration with Twilo or something similar.


Thanks for the feedback! Could you elaborate on the types of pictures/files you'd like to attach?

I like the idea of texting/Twilio integration.

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Thank you for your interest in our new customer management solution. We're excited to launch our new capability and plan to continue to make updates to the application over the coming weeks and months.

We are working on an email campaign feature that will make it easy to schedule the sending of emails to a set of customers that you select (by tag, for example) .

Regarding support for attaching files/text searches/SMS, we are still accepting requests and feedback before making decisions on those types of feature. We will direct any customers with similar requests to comment or follow on this post as well. Feedback helps us to learn how many customers are interested in each feature and prioritize what we should work on next.

Gregg Sporar
Product Manager

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