Currently, the only way to import product data from an Americommerce Store Platform is to export data into a CSV file, then uploading it. It looks easier when using a supported store platform. Hence, this request.
Add Americommerce as a Supported Store Platform for Importing Product Data
- Date Votes
Hi webguy,
Thank you very much for your feedback! Customer feedback is incredibly helpful to us as a means of learning what could help our merchants, so we know which new features to build. This feature will be under consideration for prioritization.
If you know of any other sellers that would benefit from this feature, please ask them to comment or post here as well. If we hear this request from other customers, we will ask them to comment or follow here as well.
I would also like to see Americommerce added as a fully supported store for inventory management.
HI Mason,
Thanks for taking the time to post your feedback. I have updated the request to include your information. If there are any changes, we will be sure to update this post.
I also use Americommerce with ShippingEasy and would like to see full integration of ShippingEasy with Americommerce.
If there was stock level updates support between ShippingEasy and Americommerce then we would subscribe to the ShippingEasy Inventory Management feature so we could create purchase orders and update inventory from ShippingEasy.
Thank you for considering our request.
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for your post! We greatly appreciate your feedback. I’ve documented your request and it will be under consideration for prioritization.
We will keep an eye out for this post for additional feedback and comments. If we hear this request from anyone else, we will ask them to comment or vote for this post.
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UPDATE: ShippingEasy retired the Inventory Management subscription in June of 2020. Our Product Catalog stores a comprehensive list of the products you sell and allows you to add your product information to leverage product and SKU details to ship more efficiently. Learn more about our Product Catalog.
Existing Inventory Management subscribers will still have the ability to use the features specific to Inventory Management, however, we are no longer supporting new subscribers.