Niche social media icon


I'm in the craft supplies industry and we participate in several social media websites unique to the industry.  I would like to put the icon and link in my emails.  How can I upload the icon and link to the social media content function?  This is a feature that I have never seen in any other email marketing program, but I think it would be well used.

Official Comment

Hi Laurel, 

Thanks for taking the time to post on our community forum. We do have the ability to embed social media icons/links within the campaigns of Customer Marketing.

You can read more about it under the section: How to: Link to Social Media

Customize Email Campaign Template Content, Blocks & Variables | Guide

Just add your company's social media links to the corresponding icons when editing the template.


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Hi Bria B.,

No, not answered, because you did not read my post thoroughly.  Of course I know about the SM icon ability as it currently exists, I referred to it.

The SM site I want to include in my emails is not available as a choice in the current array of sites.  

You all should be aware that there are more and more SM sites that are dedicated to particular interests.  My business is an online yarn shop so I belong to and my customers also belong to several SM sites that are dedicated to just that interest.  They are NOT general free for all sites like Facebook and the rest of the bunch offered in the SM box on SE.

What I want to do is add icons for my SM sites (FiberKind, Ravelry, etc) that cater to my business, so I can add them to my emails easily. 

These sorts of special interest sites are the next replacement for "groups" on various sites. They are appearing for so many interests now--you need to be aware of this.

Meanwhile, can I please upload an avatar for my SM sites for my business?

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Hi Laurel, 

Thanks for the clarification, and for providing some specific SM sites, it is very helpful.

Let me get with our product team about adding an avatar, and I will let you know.


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Hi Laurel, 

Thanks for your patience while we researched that request further. We do not have customizable avatars available at this time, but one can be created manually from an image separate from the social media tool, then saved to a custom block

Customize Email Campaign Template Content, Blocks & Variables | Guide

These blocks can be reusable, so it will save time when creating future campaigns. 


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