Saving Customer Addresses

Saving your customer's addresses creates an efficient shipping process and saves you time entering manual orders.

How To Save a Customer Address

  1. Select the + Add New button on the right to add a single customer address. You can also upload multiple customer addresses using a CSV file.

    Add a new customer address button
  2. Enter the necessary customer information.

    Customer Address information form


    Addresses will be validated through a USPS validation tool. If an address does not validate, you can 'Use Anyway.' Please be aware, however, that an invalid address assumes the risk of non-delivery.

  3. Select Save at the bottom.

Save a Customer Address When Creating a Manual Order

When you add a manual order within ShippingEasy, you can save an address from within the slide out.

  1. Paste the full address into the box or complete the address line by line.

    Manual order slide out shows the address fields.
  2. Check the box to "Save Customer Address. "

    Checked check box for Save Customer Address
  3. After creating your manual order, you can view the new saved address within the SETTINGS page under CUSTOMER ADDRESSES.

    account settings then customer addresses

Upload Customer Addresses via CSV

You can save your customers' addresses that you use for Manual Orders by uploading a file rather than inputting each one by one. 

Download our sample CSV file to see how to format your addresses and correctly format your files ready to upload. Sample Customer Addresses CSV file.

  1. Click the Upload Addresses icon.

    Customer address upload csv
  2. Click Browse to locate the CSV file on your computer.

    Browse button for customer address CSV file


    The file must be a CSV (e.g. "addresses.csv") and no larger than 3MB.

  3. Choose the file and select Open.

    Windows popup to open Customer address CSV file open button
  4. Click the Upload file button.

    Upload file button
  5. The next page will ask you to match your CSV fields (source columns) to the ShippingEasy fields. Select a field from each drop-down menu in the Source Column that best matches the ShippingEasy Column field. Match as many fields as necessary, including those required, indicated by an asterisk. The fields include:

    • * Name (Full Name)

    • * First Name (Only required if Full Name is not specified)

    • * Last Name (Only required if Full Name is not specified)

    • Company

    • * Address Line 1

    • Address Line 2

    • * City

    • State/Province

    • Country (If the country is not specified, we will automatically assign the United States)

    • * Zip Code

    • Email (Required to send shipment notification emails)

    • Phone Number

  6. You will be asked to validate the addresses. Validating addresses when saving them can save you time later when processing shipments. However, if you would like to skip this step, check the box to Skip USPS Validation.

    Check the Skip USPS address verification box.
  7. If you plan to map another .csv file with the same column headings in the future, give this mapping a name in the Save these settings for future imports as: field.

    field to name CSV settings as
  8. Click Continue.

  9. Select Ready to review your file and correct any address validation errors (if you opted to do this). Your file will be displayed on the UPLOAD CUSTOMER ADDRESSES review page under "Current Uploads".

    Ready button highlighted on Customer addresses CSV page


    In the event you need to download the CSV file you uploaded to confirm or change something, simply click the file name in blue.

    Any invalid addresses will appear at the top. There are three options available when managing invalid addresses:

    1. Remove the address: Remove any address from the upload by clicking the X  on the right end of each row.

      Customer address remove address from CSV upload
    2. Skip USPS validation for individual addresses: Check the box under Skip USPS Validation.

      Skip USPS validation column highlighted on CSV upload


      If you opt out of validation for individual addresses, you will not be prompted to correct the address later when shipping to that address.  Shipping to an address that cannot be validated assumes the risk of non-delivery.

    3. Skip USPS validation for all addresses in the upload file: On the Mapping page, you’ll see a tick-box to skip address validation for the upload. On the Upload Review screen, you’ll see a notification for whether you chose to skip validation or didn’t. If you didn’t and want to choose “use anyway” in bulk, you can click the link to Reprocess & Skip Validation. Then will take you back to the “Upload” page, where you will see the green “Ready” button again.

      Link to reprocess and skip validation of customer address when uploading CSV


      If you choose to skip validation for all, you’ll still see the red triangles for the unverified addresses in the app. If you skip validation individually, you will no longer see the red triangle in the app (as you already chose once).

  10. When you are satisfied with the entire list, click the Complete Upload button. The addresses will appear on your CUSTOMER ADDRESSES page!

    Complete Upload button marked

Remove a Saved Customer Address

Storing a customer's address long after they have received their shipment can clutter your database and disorganize your process. Use these steps to remove saved customer addresses.

  1. Click the black x next to the customer address you want to remove.

    X to remove customer address highlighted
  2. You will see a pop up says “Are you sure you want to delete this?”

    Confirm removing customer popup
  3. Click Ok.

You will then see a pop up says “Customer address was successfully destroyed”.


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