Order Changes in Your Store| FAQs
If changes to an order occur in your store after the order has been imported into ShippingEasy, there are a few ways that those changes be reflected on the ORDERS page. Support for order updates depends on the type of change and the store platform. These updates will be applied to orders using either the manual and automatic sync in ShippingEasy.
Order Cannot Move From ORDERS Page
Orders must remain on the ORDERS page for any automatic update to occur. If the order is moved from the ORDERS page and later returned, it will not be subject to automatic store updates via the API.
For select platforms, ShippingEasy can recognize if the recipient's data has changed and will update it next time your orders sync.
This behavior is supported for the following platforms:
For select platforms, ShippingEasy can recognize a change to the following statuses:
Awaiting Payment
Awaiting Fulfillment
Awaiting Shipment
Partially Fulfilled
When the status changes in your store, ShippingEasy will update the status next time your orders sync.
This behavior is supported for the following platforms:
For select platforms, ShippingEasy can recognize when an order is changed to the 'Completed' status.
This behavior is supported for the following platforms:
When the order status changes to 'Completed' in your store, ShippingEasy will update the status next time your orders sync and clear the order.
For Shopify stores, ShippingEasy can recognize if an order is partially refunded. When ShippingEasy identifies a partially refunded order, only the affected line items are updated.
Shopify order line items are updated in the following ways:
If the full quantity of an item is refunded, the entire line item is removed from ShippingEasy.
If a partial quantity of an item is refunded, then the quantity of the line item is updated in ShippingEasy.
All other line items are unchanged. For instance, if the quantity of a line item is edited in Shopify, but no refund is issued, ShippingEasy will not update the order.
Line item updates are made when ShippingEasy syncs with your Shopify store.
For Amazon stores, ShippingEasy can recognize if an order line item has been cancelled. When ShippingEasy identifies a cancelled line item, that line item is removed from the order in ShippingEasy.
Line item updates are made when ShippingEasy syncs with your Amazon store.
For select platforms, ShippingEasy can recognize if an order is shipped within your store. The next time your orders sync, ShippingEasy will automatically clear them from the ORDERS page.
This behavior is supported for the following platforms:
Rithum (formerly ChannelAdvisor)
SCOUT topShelf
Solid Commerce
Spree Commerce
WooCommerce (REST API only)
For other platforms, orders are synced in a read-only format. This means once an order has synced, ShippingEasy will be unable to see the order has changed in your store. As such, these changes will not be updated to ShippingEasy.
This behavior occurs with, but is not limited to, the following platforms:
Even then, we have a few solutions to help:
Disable automatic order downloads: a great option for merchants who prefer to manage their orders in-store. Control when ShippingEasy syncs, rather than adjust your workflow to ShippingEasy's schedule.
Edit orders: once synced, you can edit orders at all levels, from the recipient data to line items. Learn more about editing orders.
Order notes: an option for teams with restrictions on which users can edit orders. Add an internal note to remind your team of the changes. Learn more about order notes.
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