Customer Marketing Standards and Best Practices
ShippingEasy customers who use Customer Marketing for Regular Campaigns are required to maintain a specific threshold of performance. This helps customers maintain high-quality campaigns and keeps our server clear of spam. Once you send three Regular Campaigns (with over 500 or more emails delivered), a minimum performance standard will apply to all future campaigns sent.
If your campaigns fail to meet the performance standard, access to Customer Marketing will be limited. You will no longer be able to send Regular Campaigns within Customer Marketing until contacting ShippingEasy for further support.
Fortunately, meeting the performance standard is easy to do when following these best practices.
Clean Contact Lists
High-Quality Email Content
Well Tested Campaigns
Scan through the rest of this guide for details.
The most important aspect of campaign performance is the answer to a simple question: who you are emailing?
Use these best practices to ensure only relevant buyers are receiving your content:
Only use organically gathered customer lists. Using any kind of purchased lists (or "spamming") is not allowed, and will be identified quickly, resulting in removal from the platform. Learn more about Signup Forms.
Only target customers that have purchased from you within the last year. While recommended, this is not required as long as contacts are meeting other requirements. Use filters on the CONTACTS page to create custom lists of targeted campaigns/segments, such as people who bought specific products or during a time of year.
Avoid targeting customers who have bounced past emails. ShippingEasy helps maintain list integrity by auto unsubscribing hard bounces.
Inbox providers automatically scan your email before delivering it to your contacts. Message content matters!
Keep in mind these tips to avoid the spam folder when you build a Regular Campaign:
Keep content concise and to the point.
Use clear call-to-action buttons and links.
Limit the number of images in your email. We recommend five or fewer.
Avoid using custom code. Certain inbox providers do not render custom HTML as expected. Sticking with the provided template editor within Customer Marketing will yield the best results.
As a seller, you should be testing your content before sending it to your buyers. Just as important, you should continue to monitor completed campaigns to judge performance.
These points will help you maintain effective campaigns and good metrics:
Always send a test email to yourself prior to distributing a campaign. This will allow you to catch any last issues.
Monitoring your campaign results. This will allow you to see how your customers respond to various content, so you can optimize it in the future.
Deactivate poor-performing campaigns and reevaluate your strategy. Consistent campaign performance below 10% open rates and 1% or fewer click rates will result in removal from the platform. Don’t waste your time and money on poor-performing campaigns.
Following these best practices will help ensure you will not experience any interruption to your regular campaign activity.
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