Change a Store Name or Email on Confirmation Emails | How To
Whether you are using a customized notification or ShippingEasy's default email template, you can easily update the store named in its message.
Both the and fields on the custom and default templates pull the name and email used on each integration on the STORES & ORDERS page.
Notifications for Non-CSV Manual Stores
If you are sending notifications for a non-CSV manual store, the Store Name and the store name listed in the confirmation emails will be taken from the company name listed as the default Ship from address on the SHIP FROM ADDRESSES page. Learn more about Ship From Addresses.
For additional CSV manual orders, this value can be edited by following the instructions below. Learn more about setting up a CSV manual orders store.
Alternatively, you can customize your email templates to use static information that does not rely on the name that you use within ShippingEasy to differentiate your stores. This is a great option if you have multiple stores with the same name and you use the platform name internally to differentiate the stores.
Create an individual custom email template for each store. Learn more about creating custom email templates.
Click Edit Store Settings for the store you wish to update.
Select the Notifications tab. Then, select your custom template from both the Select shipping confirmation template and Select return email template drop-down menus.
Click the Save button.
Repeat the above steps for each store.
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- notification
- settings templates emails
- template
- settings templates emails edit
- settings templates emails new
- settings stores notifications