Customize Shipping Labels | How To
ShippingEasy allows you to customize USPS, UPS, and FedEx labels. Click through each section to view the options for your selected carrier.
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Customizing shipping labels is not available for customers on the free Starter plan. Learn more about plan pricing and available features.
ShippingEasy supports four label options for 4"x6" USPS domestic shipments. Each option provides quick access to additional information about your shipments on your labels. The following order information can be displayed on your shipping label:
Order Number (default)
List Order Items (SKU)
List Order Items (Description)
Carrier Note
Purchase Order (PO#) for Amazon Business orders
Options for Customizing USPS Domestic Labels
Label options enable you to control the order information displayed on your shipping label.
Delivery time does not appear on labels and is not a customization option.
Order Number
The order number is always included on your labels and any other options you select. Selecting this option will show only the order number and no other information to be displayed on labels.
List Order Items (SKU)
This option prints a pick list directly on the bottom of the label. The pick list references each of the SKUs in your order.
The SKUs displayed on your domestic label are limited to 85 characters. For International labels, SKUs are limited to 20 characters. If your order items/products exceed the character limit, then "etc" will be displayed. In this instance, you might want to generate a more detailed pick list for your order. Learn about pick lists.
List Order Items (Description)
This option prints a pick list directly on the bottom of the label. The pick list references each of the product descriptions in your order.
The descriptions displayed on labels are pulled from your ShippingEasy Product Catalog.
Descriptions are limited to 100 characters. If your order items/products exceed the character limit, then "etc" will be displayed. In this instance, you might want to generate a more detailed pick list for your order. Learn about pick lists.
Carrier Note
This option prints bold content-related notes directly on the bottom of the label.
The message will appear in large text at the bottom of the label. It is limited to 16 characters. The same message will appear on all labels purchased while the setting is in place.
Purchase Order Number
The Purchase Order (PO) number of Amazon Business orders is displayed on domestic shipping labels. For USPS and DHL Global Mail domestic shipping labels, the PO number (if available) will be automatically appended to the order number displayed on the shipping label (in the upper right, above the recipient address).
There are “Amazon PO” options for UPS and FedEx labels on the Label Settings page.
Select 4" x 6" from the Default Label Output menu.
Scroll down to "Domestic USPS Label Options." Click on the sample image that displays your desired order information. Your selected label option will be highlighted in blue.
Logo on Labels
If you have added a store logo for USPS labels in the Branding tab in your store settings, labels will default to this selection in addition to the other selected label option. Learn more about displaying your logo on labels.
Type your note in this field. The Carrier Note text field will appear below, if the Carrier Note option is selected,.
Carrier Note Character Limit
The message will appear in large text at the bottom of the label. It is limited to 16 characters. The same message will appear on all labels purchased while the setting is in place.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and Save your changes.
ShippingEasy supports selecting one of four custom label options to be displayed on UPS domestic shipping labels, in the REF1 and REF2 fields.
Custom Labels
Custom labels are not available for UPS from ShippingEasy One Balance, UPS International, UPS Mail Innovations, and SurePost.
Each custom option will display the matching order information on your shipping label:
Order Number
List Order Items (Item Name)
List Order Items (SKU)
Amazon PO #
Order Number
This label option will auto-populate your order number on the label for easier picking.
example REF1 field
Amazon PO #
This option displays the Purchase Order (PO) number of Amazon Business orders on domestic shipping labels.
List Order Items
In addition to auto-populating your order number on the label, it will print a pick list directly on the bottom. The pick list is based on order items/products and references each SKU in your order.
Label Character Limits
The SKUs and/or descriptions displayed on your label are limited to 35 characters. If your order items/products exceed the character limit then "..." will be displayed. In this instance, you might want to generate a more detailed pick list for your order. Learn more about pick lists.
Items SKU - example REF2 field
Items Name - example REF2 field
ShippingEasy supports displaying custom label options on FedEx shipping labels.
The REF, INV, and PO files can be configured to display any of the following on domestic and international labels:
Order Number
List Order Items (SKU)
List Order Items (Name)
Amazon PO#
When shipping via FedEx SmartPost, you can include additional information in the secondary barcode location.
Order Number
List Order Items (SKU)
List Order Items (Item Name)
Amazon PO#
Shipping Service
Recipient Company Name
Recipient Name
Scroll down to "FedEx Label Options."
Select one of these from the REF, INV, and PO drop-down menus or leave any field(s) blank:
Order Number
List Order Items (SKU)
List Order Items (Name)
Amazon PO#
Select one of these options or leave as FedEx Tracking (the default) for FedEx SmartPost:
Order Number
List Order Items (SKU)
List Order Items (Item Name)
Amazon PO#
Shipping Service
Recipient Company Name
Recipient Name
Each of the custom label options selected for REF, INV, and PO will display the matching order information on the shipping label.
Order Number - example within INV field
This label option will auto-populate your order number on the label for easier picking.
Amazon PO #
This option displays the Purchase Order (PO) number of Amazon Business orders on domestic shipping labels.
List Order Items
In addition to auto-populating your order number on the label, it will also print a pick list directly on the bottom of the label. The pick list is based on order items/products and references each of the SKUs in your order.
Label Character Limits
The SKUs and/or descriptions displayed on your label are limited to 30 characters. If your order items/products exceed the character limit then "..." will be displayed. In this instance, you might want to generate a more detailed pick list for your order. Learn more about pick lists.
Items SKU - example within REF field
Items Name - example within PO field
Example SmartPost Label Options
Each of the FedEx SmartPost label options will be displayed in the secondary barcode location.
FedEx Tracking - example as secondary barcode
The default SmartPost option.
Order Number - example as secondary barcode
This will display the order number as a barcode.
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Tags:- #pendo
- label
- settings labels
- packing slip
- note
- answerbot_article_public
- pick
- picklist
- carrier note
- order list
- rubberstamp
- pick list