Create a New Packing Slip Template | How To
ShippingEasy can print packing slips before or after you generate a shipment for an order. Packing slips rely on a "template" to control the exact content and layout of the packing slips that print.
ShippingEasy comes loaded with Standard Templates. (Preview ShippingEasy's prebuilt Standard Templates.) If these packing slips look good to you, there is nothing more to do. However, if you want to customize the content or layout of those packing slips, you can edit one of the included templates or create a new template.
The CREATE NEW PACKING SLIP editor uses a combination of a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, HTML, and ShippingEasy variables to control the look of the template.
While ShippingEasy does not provide HTML support on the template editor, there is a guide to assist you with using ShippingEasy variables.
Learn more about customizing packing slip templates with variables.
If you prefer, feel free to watch the short video that covers the information in this section and follow along on your account:
Learn more about the CREATE NEW PACKING SLIP TEMPLATE page and the tools available there.
The CREATE NEW PACKING SLIP TEMPLATE page gives you the ability to preview the ShippingEasy prebuilt packing slip templates, to create new templates, and to edit templates. Let's take a look at the page and what tools are available.
Section |
Description |
1 |
Prebuilt Templates: List of ShippingEasy's prebuilt templates. When selected, the template is previewed in the preview area. There are three default template types:
2 |
Preview Area: The selected prebuilt template is displayed here. Use the available options to change the Preview Size or to Modify Template. |
3 |
Create Your Own: Used to create a new template from scratch. |
4 |
Template Name/Create Template: Used to create a new template based upon the selected prebuilt template. By selecting a prebuilt template, assigning a name, and clicking the Create Template button, you make a copy of the prebuilt template that can then be modified at a later time. |
5 |
Default Template: Select either Domestic or International to make the template you are creating as the default template. |
Most users prefer to use one of ShippingEasy's prebuilt templates as a starting point to creating a custom packing slip. With the tools available on the CREATE NEW PACKING SLIP page you can find a template that meets most of your needs then modify it to meet your needs.
Preview the ShippingEasy templates in the "Prebuilt Templates" section of the CREATE NEW PACKING SLIP TEMPLATE page to find a template that will work as a starting point for your new packing slip.
Use the Preview Sizes option to view any template in different sizes and orientations.
Click the Modify Template button located under the preview of the prebuilt template you wish to use. The template will be loaded into the editor.
Make the needed changes to the template. Learn more about using the template editor below.
Enter a name for your updated packing slip in the Template Name field. Then, click the Create Template button.
The changes to your template will be saved and the screen will refresh to the PACKING SLIPS page. Your new packing slip template will be listed under "Packing Slip Templates".
Set as the Default Template
Check the Domestic, International or both options to set the template as the default Packing Slip used by ShippingEasy.
Use Shipping Rules to Print Packing Slips
Did you know that you can create Shipping Rules to print unique packing slips for each store? You can!
ShippingEasy users with knowledge of HTML may choose to create a new packing slip template from scratch.
Click on Start with a blank template located under Create Your Own on the CREATE NEW PACKING SLIP TEMPLATE page.
Use the template editor to create your custom packing slip template. Learn more about using the template editor below.
Enter a name for your packing slip in the Template Name field. Then, click the Create Template button.
Your template will be saved and the screen will refresh to the PACKING SLIPS page. Your new packing slip template will be listed under "Packing Slip Templates".
Set as the Default Template
Check the Domestic, International, or both options to set the template as the default Packing Slip used by ShippingEasy.
Use Shipping Rules to Print Packing Slips
Did you know that you can create Shipping Rules to print unique packing slips for each store? You can!
The template editor uses a combination of a WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) editor, ShippingEasy variables, and HTML to control the look of templates. Let's take a brief look at the available editor tools.
The Toolbar
Use the toolbar to change the font, color, indentation, add bullet lists, etc. Hover over any button in the toolbar for a description of the tool.
Working with HTML
Change the editor from the WYSIWYG view to the HTML view by clicking on the Code View button located in the toolbar. This view is useful for users with HTML knowledge who wish to work using HTML.
Click the Code View button again to return to the WYSIWYG view.
Working with ShippingEasy Variables
Variables are used to reference fields within ShippingEasy. An example variable in the editor looks like {{shipment.customer_name}}. When ShippingEasy creates the packing slip it replaces the variable with the correct value for that field. In the case of the example, the customer name would be filled in.
There are many variables to choose from. To insert a variable into your template, click one of the three variable buttons in the toolbar and select the variable from the drop-down.
Learn more about variables and what fields they map to.
Store Variables: |
Customer Variables: |
Order/Shipment Variables: |
Preview Your Work
As you experiment with different content and formatting options, periodically display an example packing slip by clicking the Preview button. Select the size and layout you wish to preview from the drop-down menu.
The generated preview will not contain information from an actual order or from any of the stores that you have configured in ShippingEasy. Fields are populated with "test" values, including a test logo if you specify a logo in the packing slip.
So there is no way to create a 4x6 packing slip in PORTRAIT?
At this time the only 4x6 packing slip option is landscape.
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